The Legacy of Silvio Berlusconi: A Controversial Figure in Italian Politics and Business

2023-06-12 14:26:15

Treated at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan (North) for leukemia, the senator entered it on Friday. A state funeral will be held Wednesday at the majestic Milan Cathedral.

Shortly after the announcement of his death, dozens of people gathered outside the hospital as tributes poured in from Italy and abroad.

And true friendsays Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin, among the first to react, welcomed a dear person and one true friend equipped with a amazing vital energypraising his optimism and his sense of humor.

A personal friend of Vladimir Putin, received in his megavilla in Sardinia, Silvio Berlusconi has repeatedly blamed kyiv for the war with Moscow.

The journey of this eternal ghost, whose political death has been wrongly announced many times since he had still been elected senator in 2022, merges with the Italian history of the last 30 years.

He was also one of the richest men on the peninsula with a fortune valued in early April by Forbes at 6.4 billion euros (9.2 billion Canadian dollars).

Loved or hated, this assumed amateur of women much younger than him, including call girls, had found himself involved in a myriad of lawsuits related to controversial receptions.

Abroad, he was best known for the string of scandals in which he was involved, his legendary blunders, his repeated trials and his diplomatic stunts.

While he remained popular in Italy, his Forza Italia party, an election winning machine he founded in 1994, followed his slow decline, falling from almost 30% of the vote in the 2001 legislative elections to 8% in 2022.

In a video message, the head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni praised his courage you know determinationseeing in him one of the most influential men in the history of Italy.

The great fighter is goneHungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban tweeted.

After beginning his ascent in Milan in the construction industry, the unfailing entrepreneur had successfully launched into television, inventing the spangled TV of the 1980s which would make his fortune, allowing him to invest in clubs of football, AC Milan then AC Monza.

Silvio Berlusconi chaired the AC Milan soccer team for 31 years.

Photo : Getty Images / Claudio Villa

On the scandal side, Mr. Berlusconi was sentenced to seven years in prison for prostitution of a minor and abuse of power for so-called parties. the flowers where very young women were invited, before being finally acquitted in 2015.

The octogenarian, whose last partner Marta Fascina was 53 years his junior, caused another scandal in December 2022 when he promised his Monza players to bring in the locker room and because of whores in case of victory.

Over the years, the carnivorous smile of the caimanone of her many nicknames, however, had frozen on her makeup-lifted face thick as parquetcruel expression of an editorialist.

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Born on September 29, 1936, Berlusconi, the son of a Milanese bank employee, began working as an entertainer on cruise ships where he sang and told funny stories.

Armed with a law degree, he launched into business, beginning an irresistible rise that raised questions about the origin of his fortune, about which he had always remained unclear.

But it is above all in the television sector that his creative genius as a great communicator expresses himself, who sprinkles his programs with naked women to please the general public.

The Berlusconi family’s holding company, Fininvest, has three television channels, newspapers, Mondadori editions and many other holdings.

Football fan Silvio Berlusconi chaired AC Milan for 31 years, which won the Champions League five times in his era, before selling it in April 2017 to Chinese investors. Thank you president, forever with usreacted the club on its website.

In 1994, he created Forza Italia, and following a lightning campaign relayed by his media empire, he became head of government before being released by his allies seven months later.

He returned to power in 2001 for five years, a post-war record. Beaten by a hair in 2006, he took his revenge two years later, taking control for the third time. But in November 2011, he had to give way under the boos of the reins of an Italy in the grip of a serious financial crisis.

Two men shake hands.

In November 2011, Silvio Berlusconi ceded power to economist Mario Monti. In this photo, the two politicians shake hands in Milan in January 2013.

Photo : Associated Press / Antonio Calanni

He resurfaced in 2013 on the political scene by winning nearly a third of the votes in the legislative elections.

A few months later, the long litany of his legal setbacks resulted in his first final conviction for tax evasion: one year in prison – carried out in the form of community service in a home for the elderly –, six years of ineligibility and expulsion from the Senate.

Father of five children from two marriages, he was a grandfather several times.

#Death #sulphurous #Italian #billionaire #Silvio #Berlusconi

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