The left will make it more expensive to eat meat

Venstre believes the proposal will help people eat more plant-based food.

Food VAT is already 15 percent. The left wants the VAT on vegetables to be 12 per cent, while the VAT on meat should be 18 per cent.

Storting representative Ingvild Thorsvik (V) speaks NRK that she believes the measure will make it cheaper to choose food that is good for the climate, health and Norwegian self-sufficiency.

– It requires less resources and much less land to produce plant-based food than it does to produce animal food, she says.

Storting representative Gro-Anita Mykjåland (Sp) is not enthusiastic about the proposal.

– It will affect Norwegian food producers if something like meat becomes more expensive. Our goal must be to increase Norwegian food production, including meat, in order to increase self-sufficiency in Norway, she says.

MDG leader Arild Hermstad tells NTB that Venstre’s proposal sends the right signal, but that such a small adjustment will not have much effect.

– In order to get people to choose differently, and to pay more attention to health, the environment and animal welfare, it is necessary to remove the VAT on vegetables completely, and increase it on meat to 25 per cent, as the MDG has proposed in the Storting, says Hermstad .

The proposal is part of the Liberal Party’s budget proposal, and will be considered in the Storting this autumn.

#left #expensive #eat #meat
2024-07-25 02:12:13



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