The leading group of the municipal party committee held the annual democratic life meeting. Chen Anming chaired the provincial party committee supervision group to guide the meeting_Government News_Jiangmen Municipal People’s Government Portal

The leading group of the municipal party committee held the annual democratic life meeting
Adhere to a clear-cut stand and talk about politics, and promote Jiangmen’s modernization to take new steps and glow with a new atmosphere
Chen Anming presided over the supervision group of the Provincial Party Committee to guide the meeting

Jiangmen Daily News (Jiang Zuxuan) On the afternoon of February 10, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of the provincial party committee, the leading group of the municipal party committee held the 2022 annual democratic life meeting, insisting on the guidance of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, focusing on “full implementation Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era deeply comprehends the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthens the “four consciousnesses”, strengthens the “four self-confidences”, and achieves the “two maintenances”, unites and leads party members, cadres and the masses to work hard and effectively In order to implement the theme of the major decision-making deployment made by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the spirit of the Party, closely follow the actual work, conduct in-depth self-examination, party spirit analysis, carefully examine problems and deficiencies, seriously carry out criticism and self-criticism, and further integrate thoughts and The action is unified to the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party. Municipal party secretary Chen Anming presided over the meeting. The responsible comrades of the Provincial Party Committee Steering Group attended the meeting for guidance.

The Municipal Party Committee will hold this democratic life meeting as an important political task, and make all preparations strictly and practically. Before the meeting, the leading group of the Municipal Party Committee carefully organized study and seminars, deeply studied and understood the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the spirit of the important speeches made by the General Secretary at the First Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party and the Democratic Life Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and deeply understood the spirit of the Party New ideas, new conclusions, new deployments and new requirements put forward by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; several special study meetings and theoretical study center group study meetings were held to conduct special discussions, and earnestly studied “Several Guidelines on Political Life within the Party under the New Situation”, etc. The relevant documents have further unified the thinking, deepened the understanding, and laid a solid ideological foundation for the democratic life meeting. Through individual talks, holding symposiums, and distributing forms for soliciting opinions, etc., extensively listen to the opinions and suggestions of party members, cadres and masses at all levels, such as counties (cities, districts), municipal government agencies, enterprises and institutions, party representatives, and democratic parties; carry out seriously Talk heart-to-heart, talk through the problems, talk through the thoughts, and talk about the direction of improvement; carefully investigate the outstanding problems, conduct in-depth analysis of the party spirit, and be careful and small, see people and see things, and make a good contribution to the democratic life meeting. fully prepare.

At the meeting, Chen Anming made a comparative inspection speech on behalf of the leading group of the Municipal Party Committee. Focusing on the theme of the democratic life meeting, combined with thoughts and work practices, he comprehensively examined the problems, deeply analyzed the root causes, and proposed future efforts and rectification measures. Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee made personal comparison and inspection speeches, and carried out mutual criticism one by one. With an attitude of being highly responsible to the party, the cause, and comrades, they insisted on putting themselves, responsibilities, and work in, and conducted in-depth self-examination. By analyzing the party spirit and sincerely helping each other and reminding each other, everyone opened up their hearts, exchanged ideas, examined problems, clarified the direction, and achieved the goals of adhering to the truth, improving deficiencies, unifying thinking, and enhancing unity. The meeting also notified the implementation of the rectification measures of the party history study and education special democratic life meeting of the leading group of the municipal party committee.

Chen Anming emphasized that this year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is of great significance and responsibility to do a good job in this year’s work. We must take this democratic life meeting as a new starting point, take the lead in in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to a clear-cut stand on politics, continuously enhance the ability to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, prevent and resolve risks, and earnestly do a good job in team building , comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of work, better lead the city’s cadres and the masses to unite and struggle, and promote Jiangmen’s modernization to take new steps and glow with a new atmosphere with a spirit of hard work. We must talk about politics with a clear-cut stand, resolutely build the ideological and political foundation of absolute loyalty to the party, loyally support the “two establishments”, resolutely achieve “two maintenances”, and take resolute maintenance of the core as the biggest overall situation and the most important “big country”. , Persist in using Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics to condense the heart and soul, continuously improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and earnestly implement the party’s innovative theory into all aspects of Jiangmen’s work. We must consciously practice the fundamental purpose of the party, always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties with the people, firmly establish and practice the correct view of political performance, and take benefiting the people as the starting point and goal of all work, and do a good job in the new stage of epidemic prevention and control. Promote Jiangmen to build a comprehensive pilot zone for regional balanced development in Guangdong Province, so that high-quality development results can benefit the people of overseas Chinese in more and more equitable ways. We must take a long-term view of the overall situation, overcome difficulties, strive for the upper reaches, and strive to make Jiangmen’s contribution to Guangdong’s new start in the new journey of modernization. Science and technology leading, industrial revitalization, industrial park reconstruction, Hong Kong and Macao integration, overseas Chinese capital empowerment, and talent multiplication” six major projects, accelerate the promotion of regional balanced development, the construction of Jiangmen ruled by law, and build a modern comprehensive practice area that coordinates material civilization and spiritual civilization. Jiangmen catch-up and leap-forward high-quality development. We must be brave in self-revolution, always maintain a clean and honest political character, temper the cultivation of party spirit, take the lead in integrity and self-discipline, and promote the one-stop promotion of not being corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, insisting on the combination of strict management and love, equal emphasis on incentives and restraints, and adhere to the “three distinctions” Open up” to better stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the majority of party members and cadres. We must dare to take action against the tough, earnestly grasp the implementation of problem rectification and reform, adhere to problem-oriented, strict words, and combine the measures of “immediate reform” with the formation of a “long-term establishment” mechanism, and do not let go or change if there is no effect Don’t sell the number when it is in place, and really do enough, do a good job, and do a solid job in the “second half of the article” of the Democratic Life Conference.

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Comrades in charge of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress and the CPPCC attended the meeting.

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