The law “On weapons” in Russia – innovations August 25, 2022 – Society – Saint-Petersburg News

New changes to the law “On weapons” came into force in Russia on August 25. Now the owners will need to undergo weapon maintenance.

“Federal law introduces a new procedure – the maintenance of weapons, which means cleaning, lubricating weapons, adjusting sights, shock and trigger mechanisms. Both owners of weapons and legal entities with the appropriate license will be able to carry out maintenance of weapons, ”says TASS with reference to the press service of the National Guard.

The transfer of civilian and service weapons for maintenance and repair can be carried out on the basis of a permit issued by the National Guard.

Another innovation is the experience of owning hunting smooth-bore weapons. Previously, the experience required to acquire the right to own hunting rifled weapons was continuous. Now the situation has changed: it is officially allowed to purchase hunting rifled weapons only within 1 year from the date of expiration of the previous permit.

At the same time, you can buy weapons of different characteristics, but not more than 10 units. In order to optimize the procedure for the owners of the weapons themselves, the duration of the permits can be synchronized.

The owners of premium weapons were given the right to purchase cartridges suitable for “civilian firearms.” You can use premium weapons for educational or training purposes.



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