2023-11-16 17:42:54
It is in front of her students, “not always delighted to have law lessons”, that Marie Cresp, also a lecturer at Bordeaux-Montaigne University, realizes that there is no book which explain to the children. However, according to the Girondine, to get by in today’s world, it is essential to have the basics. Foundations that she and her husband are instilling in their four children and “it’s already a challenge”. So she asked herself: “What do parents who are not lawyers do? »
“We are afraid of the law”
The first part answers 11 legal questions, revolving around two characters, a wizard and a witch. She addresses what is fair, what is not, the notion of punishment and even that of proof. Law is abstract and Marie Cresp wanted to “transform this inconvenience into something fun”, hence the creation of “lawrgnon”, a little monster that the child must find using a magnifying glass.
The second volume, which will be published on November 24, will address more technical questions such as the various rules of law, the war in Ukraine and global warming. As for volume 3, she already has it in mind.
“We are afraid of the law, it can be repulsive,” confides the author who knows that “these books are not going to change the world.” However, she remains convinced “that by knowing the world in which we live, we will be more aware of what we can respect, or not”.
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