The Latest Updates on Walloon Parliament’s Public Budget Debates and Accounts Examination

2023-06-01 16:56:00

Since the “affairs” that shook the Walloon Parliament, there is no longer any question of rushing behind closed doors the examination of the institution’s accounts and budget. The debates are now public, in the Accounting Committee.

This Thursday was the 4th meeting of this new commission. As promised when it was set up, a quarterly report is presented by the chairman of the assembly, André Frédéric, assisted by the clerk. In this case of the ad interim clerk Sandrine Salmon. Some info on the state of budget progress for the first three months of 2023.

1. Dubai, Municipalia and Co: cutting back

The new Bureau of the Walloon Parliament has taken certain decisions. And until further notice, they are more in the direction of sobriety. Thus, while the PTB deputy Germain Mugemangango asks a question regarding an advance of €3,500 which seems to have been made to participate in the COP 28 which will be held in… Dubai next December, André Frédéric interrupts him: there is no will be no Dubai. ” We’re not going. I felt it was not appropriate to participate. And the Bureau followed me“. There was an option on 4 rooms and everything was canceled free of charge, explains the president. so precipitated the resignation of the former Bureau last December.

Same restrictions on subsidies. François Bellot (MR) noted that out of the €98,000 budgeted, only €500 was spent in three months. André Frédéric confirms. We study requests related to the areas of interest of the Walloon Parliament (citizenship, democracy, regional identity, etc.). Point. A specific tab on the Parliament’s website allows you to submit a request. “We find the norm while allowing everyone to participate. Without criticizing anyone, I have the impression that it was more confidential and less targeted in the past.

Less money also for participation in the agents’ fair. Or for protocol fees. Etc. “I try to strike a fair balance. We must not sink into non-existence either.“, nuances the president.

2. Details and caution

Now that they have access to the documents (in part, read below), MPs have learned their lesson and are going into detail. The number of cars still leased to Parliament (8) as raised by Christophe Bastin (Les Engagés), a monthly amount for the Confluence car park pointed out by Ecolo Hélène Ryckmans, a Premium subscription to Be TV (“the only one I identify, it is reserved for drivers when they are waiting “, will answer Sandrine Salmon), computer purchases, the use of a security company, the map of Wallonia painted on the ceiling of the new conference room, etc. Answers have been provided, in most cases. the services of the registry wipe the plasters, in terms of transparency.

3. And the 2022 Accounts?

Logically, they should have been examined before the 2023 quarterly budget progress report. The 2022 accounts in principle contain everything that loaded the boat with the expenses of the Walloon Parliament (real estate extensions, expense reports, etc.). But we will still have to wait a bit for a passage in committee: the Bureau is awaiting the help of the cabinet of auditors, which will be appointed next week. MPs will be able to review the 2022 accounting data in July, presumably. Without the assistance of the Court of Auditors; she announced that she was skipping this exercise due to an ongoing legal inquiry. And in this regard, it will probably be necessary to ask the Justice once more for certain accounting documents taken during the searches in March, to complete the analysis of the 2022 financial year. Contact has been made with the investigating judge, reports the clerk.

4. Delegation once more revised downwards

We also learn that the delegation of power to the clerk was once more revised downwards last April. The ceiling is now set at €30,000. “An acceptable standard that allows Parliament to function, for example during recess, knowing that all expenditure and commitments are reported to each Bureau in a transparent manner“, insists André Frédéric. In 2019, the clerk had, so to speak, a free hand to commit amounts on behalf of the Bureau. In October 2022, three quantified limits had been introduced, from €50,000 to €175,000 depending on the type of act or public contract.

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