The Latest Update on RGTR 832 Line: Changes, Controversy, and Hope for Rehabilitation

2023-12-29 12:40:00

This is the latest truly Belgian story to date and it has its roots on the Luxembourg border. Let’s summarize: since December 10, the route of the RGTR 832 line, which connects Rédange-sur-Attert to Grass via Steinfort and Kleinbettingen, has been modified.

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Since this date, the stop near the Ikea d’Arlon in Sterpenich is no longer served, the line has its new terminus in Grass. Line 832 is a popular line for Belgian cross-border workers, using it from the Ikea store to reach Kleinbettingen station, the latter’s car park being already full in the early hours of the day.

A tile for Belgian cross-border workers

In short, the removal of this stop is a problem for many people. But it is on the very reasons for this decision that we border on a diplomatic incident. Indeed, on the Belgian side, it is indicated that this deletion was made for tax reasons. In question, the exceeding of the 34-day rule by the Belgian bus drivers carrying out the journey, at the rate of six daily circuits of a duration of thirty minutes each and by crossing the border, which, in the legislative sense of the term, is considered teleworking, even for a few minutes on Belgian territory. Remember that if the 34 days are exceeded, the worker will also be taxed in Belgium.

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Obviously well informed, Walloon MP Anne Laffut also indicates that this decision was taken due to the lack of Grand Ducal drivers available to fill the position. She also questioned the Walloon Minister of Mobility on this subject, in order to find out what measures might be put in place to make this stop operational once more. The minister has not yet responded.

The Belgian ambassador to Luxembourg requested

On the side of the commune of Arlon, we are also fuming. Asked by The Meuse Luxembourg, the Arlon town planning alderman Olivier Waltzing indicates that the matter has even been raised with the Belgian ambassador to Luxembourg in order to remove the drivers from this bilateral convention linking the two countries via an “exemption for drivers”. The latter adds, moreover, that this section was also used by residents of the Grand Duchy coming to make purchases at Ikea or in other stores in the business park.

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However, if on the Belgian side, we persist in evoking a tax reason, on the Luxembourg side, the reason would be quite different. Contacted, the public transport administration assures that the one and only reason for the removal of the Arlon stop is safety. “There are some essential elements of a bus stop that are lacking. For example, there are no markings on the ground to mark the stop; there are no sidewalks or bus platforms, and this on a road with a maximum authorized speed of 70 km/h. On one side (of the stop, Editor’s note), the bus must stop in a right-turn lane, which creates dangerous situations,” indicates the public transport administration.

A hope of rehabilitation

We also learn that the Luxembourg public transport administration (ATP) contacted the municipal administration of Arlon in order to request security for the stop concerned. “The latter responded that this stop does not concern of his competence,” she continues. “The ATP is waiting to know a contact on the Belgian side in this matter. The stop will be served as soon as the safety of users is ensured.

A hope of seeing the judgment rehabilitated is therefore possible, but the Belgian administration, which some consider to be extremely slow, must do what is necessary as quickly as possible.

#stop #canceled #Arlon #Kleinbettingen #security #reasons



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