the latest update allows to disable the ALLM

This is an option that will perhaps remove a thorn from the side of some players, especially those who are equipped with a Sony television. The latest software update for the PS5 makes it possible to do without the ALLM, otherwise known as ” Auto Genre Picture Mode “. The latter allows the TV to detect when a game is launched on the console in order to switch to an appropriate image mode to reduce latency to a minimum. On the contrarythis feature also makes it possible to automatically switch back to a cinema mode when a Blu-Ray or a streaming application is on the way.

Precisely, before this patch, the ALLM was constantly active. For owners of state-of-the-art Sony TVs, this meant locking out certain picture settings in game mode, resulting in a picture that prioritized smoothness and low latency over quality. This time around, PS5 players will be able to disable the ALLM and adjust the picture as they see fit. On the other hand, the ALLM remains compulsorily active from the moment the VRR is activated.

Two choices are now available when you go to the console settings (Settings > Screen and video > Video output > ALLM): “automatic”, in which case, nothing changes, and “disabled”, in which case, the ALLM is inactive unless you are using VRR.

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