the latest madness on TeleMeloni is an own goal –

The latest pseudo-martyr of the equally pseudo TeleMeloni is the name of Antonello Pasini, a climate physicist, who spoke on Tg1 and Tg2 to talk about the weather situation in Italy. After watching the reports aired, the expert denounced the “climate censorship” of the two news programs guilty, in his opinion, of having cut a fundamental passage from his brief statements. And the left, needless to say, discovers a new hero so much so that it announces parliamentary questions and Rai surveillance. But how are things really? Let’s go in order.

“The persistent presence of African anticyclones has charged our atmosphere with a large amount of energy”. This is the sentence that viewers of Rai news heard. Pasini in a post denounces the “strategic cut” because in reality the complete sentence was: “The persistent presence of African anticyclones, the fingerprint of climate change in the Mediterranean, has charged our atmosphere with a large amount of energy”. Here is the essential reference to climate change that makes people cry out for censorship. The social denunciation was also repeated by Tg2 which aired the same statement in video.

Needless to say, the social troops have moved in force denouncing the “climate censorship” of Rai by the center-right that would deny climate change. The ones who dismantle the theorems of the anti-government regardless are the same journalists of Tg1. Read here: “Mr. Pasini is an important professional, a great expert on climate issues, and it is in this capacity that Tg1 very often uses his reflections. Never, in his numerous previous interventions on Tg1, has Mr. Pasini been censored in relation to questions on climate change, a topic that Tg1 has dealt with and continues to deal with together with the Specials editorial team (even on August 19, the day the Bayesian sailing ship sank, we addressed the topic of waterspouts with an expert who correlated them with climate change)”, this is why his post on an alleged censorship on climate change surprised the journalists of Tg1 quite a bit, who immediately called him to reassure him that no one had wanted to muzzle him and that some of his sentences from a longer speech had been chosen for a report that lasted just over a minute and included reports on areas of Irpinia hit hard by bad weather and touching testimonies from citizens of towns overwhelmed by mud, as well as on the damage caused by bad weather in the rest of Italy and other news that followed one after the other”, reads a post by Tg1 on Facebook.

And again: “As demonstrated by the many links and the many reports aired previously – we read in the Tg1 post – Pasini has always said what he thought and freely expressed his thoughts on the matter. Talking about censorship on climate change the day after a news report, announced with a headline on the cover of the 8pm edition on the disappearance of the Flua glacier on Monte Rosa, sounds rather curious. Just as curious is Pasini’s choice to rely on social media before checking with the Tg1 editorial team on what had happened and why, as always happens when comments are long compared to the expected time of the report and arrive close to the news edition, his thoughts had not been reported in full. He would have discovered what happens every day on any news program, and that is that based on the news that gradually arrives in the editorial team, the reports are updated, cut, to be readapted and updated with other news”.

The journalists of Tg1 therefore renew their “esteem” to Pasini and publicly extend “the invitation to come and visit us at Tg1 where he was also physically in the studio at 8 pm for the flood in Tuscany and also for the hailstorms in the north and extreme heat in the south, to address, precisely, the issue of climate change. A topic covered by Pasini also when in June he was a guest on Tg1 Mattina Estate or when, regarding the Sahara sand in the cities, he recently made explicit reference to the correlation with climate change. The invitation to come and visit us again – the post concludes – would help him to know and understand how, up until a few seconds before the broadcast, the news services are reviewed and how, in real time, without censorship but only with the commitment of the Tg1 journalists to improve the public service, the same journalists work with professionalism to manage the latest changes in progress (journalistic, not climatic)”.

#latest #madness #TeleMeloni #goal #Tempo
2024-08-30 23:34:08



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