The latest injury photos of Johnny Depp’s domestic violence defamation lawsuit are exposed! Was his ex-wife Amber Heard cut off and scratched?

[Johnny Depp Domestic Violence Defamation Case]​​Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) and his ex-wife Amber Heard (Amber Heard) have been entangled in domestic violence divorce for many years. With Johnny Depp losing the case in his early years, his acting career can be said to have fallen to the bottom. Recently, the two have staged a lawsuit of the century again, and the domestic violence scandal has turned into a defamation case. In addition to being transparent and open, the court trial will even be broadcast live on “Court TV”. Who is right? Johnny Depp’s latest injury proves innocent?

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Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

Amber Heard, Johnny Depp domestic violence defamation case honored in Hollywood century lawsuit

The domestic violence lawsuit between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard began in 2016. The two accused each other of evil deeds and exposed each other’s wounds in order to win the lawsuit. Later, at the end of 2020, the British court accepted more than ten pieces of domestic violence evidence submitted by Amber Heard. In the end, Johnny Depp lost the case.

Amber HeardAmber Heard

Amber Heard

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

And Johnny Depp was also fired due to the domestic violence scandal in “Monsters and Their Origin 3” and “Fantastic Voyage”. In addition to the termination of cooperation by Warner Bros. and Disney, his personal reputation and image were greatly damaged. The acting career was almost discontinued.

A few days ago, the two filed a lawsuit against Bo again in the United States. Johnny Depp filed a defamation charge against Amber Heard’s anti-domestic violence article published in the Washington Post in 2018, and demanded compensation of 100 million US dollars (about 780 million Hong Kong dollars).

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

On the eve of the official trial, his ex-wife Amber Heard suddenly posted a post on social platforms. In addition to announcing that she was about to leave the Internet, she also pointed out that her article in the “Washington Post” did not name her name, but she was accused of defamation by Johnny Depp. , made her feel very helpless. At the end of the article, he pointed out that he was tired of years of lawsuits, hoped that he and Johnny Depp could really “move on”, and admitted that he “still loves” his ex-husband Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

Johnny Depp’s latest injuries in domestic violence defamation lawsuit reveal

With the official trial of the second century lawsuit, on the 4th day (18th) of the trial, Johnny Depp’s personal bodyguard Sean Bett testified in the seat and showed the court the latest photo of Johnny Depp’s face with obvious injuries. He also said he had seen Johnny Depp injured many times, but had never witnessed the pair do it.

The court showed several photographs taken by bodyguard Sean Bett in March 2015 and December of the same year, in which Johnny Depp’s face was clearly visible with visible bruises, including bruises and scratches.

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Image source: Law&Crime Network

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Image source: Law&Crime Network

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Image source: Law&Crime Network

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Image source: Law&Crime Network

Bodyguard Sean Bett also pointed out that after Johnny Depp was raped twice, he was asked to record his injuries in case Amber Heard tried to sue him in the future. Sean Bett also insists that she has never seen any similar scars on Amber Heard’s body.

His finger was cut off by his ex-wife Amber Heard?

In addition to bodyguard Sean Bett, Johnny Depp’s personal doctor David Kipper and personal nurse Debbie Lloyd also testified in court, pointing out that they had assisted Johnny Depp in dealing with a “severed finger incident” in 2015.

In fact, in 2020, the British media has released a recording, which refers to a heated argument between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard during their holiday in Australia in March 2015. At that time, Amber Heard dropped two wine bottles from Johnny Depp and cut them off. Broke a third of Johnny Depp’s middle finger. In the minutes-long recording, doctor David Kipper and nurse Debbie Lloyd can be heard searching for Johnny Depp’s severed finger.

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

Later, it was said that Johnny Depp’s wound had been infected with superbugs (drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) twice, and it was so severe that it almost required amputation, and finally had three operations to save the finger.

Johnny Depp家暴Johnny Depp家暴

Johnny Depp Domestic Violence

Instead, the second doctor David Kipper and nurse Debbie Lloyd testified publicly that they were there to help find Johnny Depp’s severed “finger” so that it could be connected back. In addition, David Kipper pointed out in court that Amber Heard “never sought treatment from me for domestic violence.”

This domestic violence defamation lawsuit is expected to last for 7 weeks, and the 120 witnesses also include a number of celebrities, including Elon Musk and James Franco, which makes the case more eye-catching. I hope the two can explain more about the incident. detail.

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