the latest change in the UNE team ahead of the elections

After the announcement of the resignation of Traful Berbel to his candidacy for deputy and rushed by the times of electoral justicethe Union de los Neuquinos party presented in the last hours who will replace the musician heading the list of provincial legislators. A well-known figure arrives: Francisco Baggio.

The current undersecretary of the Environment and Citizen Protection of the city of Neuquén and also a two-time councilor was made official in a meeting with UNE leaders, the party that has accompanied the Neuquén Popular Movement for a few years and will also do so in the April 16 elections, under the candidacy of Marcos Koopmann.

“I assume the responsibility with the greatest of commitments and convinced to continue working to improve life and guarantee rights for all Neuquinos”, shared the brand new candidate in their networks.

Baggio was accompanied by the founding reference of the Unión de los Neuquinos, Mariano Mansilla and other actors from the space who in the beginning was one of the highest critics of the MPN and it presented itself as the second party of provincial origin with management possibilities.

“I thank UNE for this candidacy to head the list for provincial deputy accompanying Marcos Koopmann,” he posted on his Twitter account.

Berbel stepped aside.

Regarding the resignation of Traful Berbel, the party was in charge of communicating that the reasons for the decision were exclusively of a personal nature, although the renowned artist (third generation of musicians from Neuquén) He had harshly criticized certain criteria of the Fiesta de La Confluencia, mainly in reference to the role of regional musicians in the event that will begin on February 14.

«Today we have the clear example of the Confluence Festival where Neuquén artists are not on the main stage»he had criticized and justified that being within the UNE allowed him to “say this is fine, but this is not.”

«My decision is absolutely personal and has to do with the need to continue strengthening my artistic career. In the last few weeks, I understood that both activities demand a difficult effort from me to sustain in this stage. I think it will be better to start by integrating a legislative team and, in any case, later access a position, “he said regarding the resignation of the candidacy.

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