The Last Minute Decisions That Changed History Forever: Impactful Events That Almost Happened

2024-04-29 21:24:59

This channel has written regarding the last minute decisions and murders that altered the course of history. And with these events that were regarding to happen? How would they have affected the world if they came to fruition?

1.- VLADIMIR LENIN SURVIVED TWO SHOTS: In the middle of the Russian civil war, between the Bolsheviks (now known as communists) and the white forces, whose intention was to reinstall the empire. In June 1918, the first leader of the Soviet Union imposed a strict food restriction, so that his soldiers would have more provisions. That decision led to massive protests, and Fanyan Kaplan shot him twice. Lenin resisted, ultimately leading to Josef Stalin and 74 years of communism in Russia.

2.- QUEEN VICTORIA AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR: The Monarch reigned for 63 years, but her destiny and that of the world might change in the blink of an eye. In 1840, while she was pregnant with her first child, Edward Oxford shot her 2 times. No bullet reached its destination. If she died, she would have had neither children nor grandchildren. Consequently, King George V, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II, all participants in the First World War, would never have existed.

3.- THE NUCLEAR BOMB THAT DIDN’T EXPLODE: In the middle of the Cold War, 16 years following the massive genocide caused by the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, a disaster of proportions might have happened in the United States. While a bomber plane was flying over North Carolina, a mechanical failure caused the accidental launch of 2 nuclear bombs. The first was appeased by the parachute, but the second fell with enough force to explode. He did not do it, avoiding the almost certain death of 60 thousand people.


4.- THE OFFICER WHO REFUSED THE NUCLEAR WAR: During the Missile Crisis in 1962, an American naval ship launched empty cargoes over the waters where a Soviet submarine was sailing. Thinking they were under attack, both the captain and most of the crew became convinced that the conflict had begun. They were regarding to launch real missiles, but one of the officers, Vasili Arkhipov, refused. Since the decision had to be unanimous, they might not carry out their idea. And thus nuclear war was avoided.

5.- THE TYPHOONS THAT SAVED THE JAPANESE FROM BEING CONQUERED: Kublai Khan, one of the descendants of the mythical Genghis Khan, had already conquered China and had his sights set on the Japanese islands. But the weather was totally once morest him. First in 1274, and then in 1281, when 2 massive typhoons completely destroyed his fleet. In Japan, they became known as “divine winds.”

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