The larretism crossed Patricia Bullrich for the Tasers: “Stop setting marketing positions”

The internal one in the PRO between Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich Does not yield. Now the discussion turns to the use of the tasers. It is that the president of the PRO demanded the Buenos Aires head of government to “make the decision” to implement them, to which Larretismo came out to answer him.

CABA has already decided to use the Tasers. in effect does more than two years we bought them but The National Government has stopped the importation since then. It is not a matter of deciding to use them but of being able to import them,” Miguel posted on his Twitter account.

In this sense, the Buenos Aires official stressed that “the import barrier” of these pistols is in the Justice and that “two weeks ago” there was a court ruling ordering the National Agency for Controlled Materials (Anmac) “to define the situation “.

How TASER pistols work

“I repeat: it is not a matter of deciding to use them but of being able to import them. As soon as CABA has the tasers, it will use them“, remarked Miguel, who attached to his publication the tweet where Bullrich shares a short video in which he asks Larreta to “make the decision” to use them.

Instead of asking for more permission, use them, period. Don’t ask anyone else for permission. You cannot ask permission from a government that tells you no on purpose,” Bullrich said in an interview with the channel A24.

The pre-candidate for the presidency for the PRO within the Together for Change (JxC) coalition, a space in which she maintains a strong internal political relationship with Larreta, added via Twitter: “I would tell Horacio: make the decision“.

The resurgence of the debate over Tasers and the inmate in the PRO

Felipe Miguel was not the only Buenos Aires official to come out to respond to Bullrich. The Secretary of Public Affairs, Waldo Wolfflaunched: “Let’s be clear with the porteños: we want the City Police to use Tasers. We bought them and trained our force. The import is halted because the National Government hasas we all know, the monopoly of the customs authority“.

“We managed to make the City the safest in Latin America, second on the continent, and we will continue working to take better and better care of everyone. From the City we are willing to give all discussions with the truth on the table and the seriousness of the case,” added.

Along these lines, the Secretary General and International Relations of the Government of Buenos Aires, Fernando Strafacecommented: “Let’s clarify the confusion. The CSJ never ruled on the Tasers. CABA obtained a favorable sentence from a federal judge to import the Tasers on 2/8/23. The Nac Government appealed on 2/9/23 and suspended the authorization Without a final ruling, no government can buy Taser.”

Governing well in a democracy implies respect for the law. It is called the Rule of Law: the laws are above the discretionary will of the people, especially those who govern. Firmness with temperance is distinct from recklessness,” he noted.

Larreta vs. Bullrich.

In turn, the deputies of that space also criticized the head of the PRO Álvaro González and Silvia Lospennato.

“You can’t be so opportunist using lies as a method of political and electoral positioning“, González tweeted. The deputy considered Bullrich’s statement “erroneous” because -according to him- he “confused” the Supreme Court with the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) of the City.

Stop setting marketing positions. Who are you going to ask to use prohibited weapons?”Gonzalez wrote.

In the same line, Lospennato expressed himself, who quoted Bullrich’s message on that social network and published that “in the PRO, telling the truth and complying with the law are non-negotiable values.”

“Years ago, the City decided to use the Tasers. Mauricio Macri supported it even before it had its own police, but it was Horacio Rodríguez Larreta who bought them and fights in court for the Nation to enable the importation,” he added.

The Cold War grows between Larreta and Patricia Bullrich

The crime of the police Maribel Nélida Zalazar

The crime of the Buenos Aires police Maribel Nelida Salazarmurdered last week at the Retiro station on line C, caused the opposition to once more discuss the use of the 60 Tasers that the Larreta government bought in May 2021 but which were not approved by Anmac, dependent on the Ministry Justice and Human Rights.


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