The La Mutuelle Générale Corporate Foundation rewards the Cosne-sur-Loire Hospital Center

The objective of this project of the Center Hospitalier de Cosne-sur-Loire is to study the development of cerebral plasticity in the elderly living in the EHPAD – that of Cosne-sur-Loire north of Bourges – via the use of mixed reality.

In practice, you should know that mixed reality allows a resident (in this case elderly), thanks to the wearing of a mixed reality headset, to immerse themselves in their own environment promoting attention, participation in activities and learning.

All this is carried out by the Research and Movement Laboratory of Nevers, a young structure
created in January 2019 on the initiative of Jean-Clément Biard (use of HoloLens reality headsets for groups of 10 to 15 residents).

For its part, the Cosne sur Loire Hospital Center is a Public Health Establishment with 249 beds and places installed on 2 sites. This hospital is managed by Sandrine Renaudin.

Selected for their innovative and concrete character in the service of aging well, these winners will benefit from financial support and support from the Foundation. All of the applications received were assessed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors according to various criteria: relevance, impact, replicability, feasibility and timeliness of implementation.

In addition to financial support (a total envelope of 200,000 euros has been allocated to these 9 projects), the La Mutuelle Générale Corporate Foundation will remain mobilized alongside project leaders to support them and contribute to the proper development of their initiatives. .



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