The Knicks win in Detroit in the NBA

In a match with little stake since the Knicks, eleventh in the East, are won in the race for the play-in with a record of 33 v.-42 d. against 37 v.-37 d. at the Hawks (10th), New York got the better of Detroit on Sunday night (104-102).

Well entered the game, the Knicks went 14-0 in 3’20”, which allowed them to sign a nice gap at the end of the first quarter (34-22). But their lead has gradually withered, to the point of seeing the Pistons come back to level during the 4th quarter (90-90 with 5’58 remaining).

They had to resist until the end to win against the Pistons of Marvin Bagley, the most prominent player with 27 points and 9 rebounds. On the New York side, Evan Fournier scored 11 small points in almost 27 minutes after a clumsy performance (4/12 including 3/10 long distance).

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