The KKE assumes the responsibility of being… the only real working-people’s opposition

The KKE assumes the responsibility of being… the only real working-people’s opposition

A political speech in the context of the 50th KNE-Guide Festival was held by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas on Saturday evening at Tritsis Park in Ilion.

As he said among others: “From this great stirring gathering of the 50th Festival, we want to address all those who are looking for answers for today and anxious for tomorrow.

To the workers who see the salary not even for the first fortnight, while reading that listed companies are going for a new profit record this year, after last year’s 10.5 billion.

To the bio-wrestler professionals and the farmers who face a permanent question of survival due to over-taxation, excessive production costs and their “surrounding” by the big groups.

To the students who are piled up like sardines, with the mergers, many of which are canceled under the reactions of parents – teachers – students, in the classrooms of a school that is exterminating. To students who want degrees with value, with their parents brought to their knees by the exorbitant cost of supposedly free education.

To the women who experience multifaceted violence, who struggle to get by with work, while they are the first to shoulder the state’s non-existence in raising children, in caring for the elderly.

To the veterans of the work, who because the pension is not enough, they are presented as a “benefit”, the work until old age.

To all those who live first-hand the marginal situations in critical sectors, such as health, welfare, medicine, due to their commercialization.

To all those who faced for one more summer, especially in Eastern Attica, the consequences of the absence of fire prevention measures and all natural disasters, since these are considered a cost without benefit for capital and its state.

Behind all these and many more problems, there are some “external factors”, some “natural phenomena”, some alleged “lack of resources” and the alleged “limited fiscal possibilities” that the ND government dares to talk about and keep quiet. the rest SYRIZA, PASOK.

Who can talk about a lack of resources in a society with billionaires renting spaceships to take pictures in space? Who can talk about a lack of technical capabilities in the age of Artificial Intelligence, of great technological and scientific achievements?

Of course, all this is not used for the well-being of the working man, but for his further exploitation and manifold enslavement to the values ​​and needs of capital. Instead of being put to the service of man, they are exploited within capitalism to impose greater brutality and destruction.

After all, the big problem that the holders, capital and its governments, have been struggling to deal with for years, is precisely the abundance of capital that stagnates because they do not find satisfactory investment outlets, and certainly not the lack of it. And every temporary solution they find to this problem gives them a small, temporary breath, which, however, after a while, starts not to “pull” as they had calculated or even creates multiple problems.

That’s why we see governments, central banks, supranational organizations, all the educated technocrats who staff them, lurching from restrictive to expansionary fiscal policy when investment dwindles and back again when inflation soars.

Of course, all this is always paid for by the people. That is why on the one hand we hear them talk about the “benefits of extroversion in the economy” and on the other, they are forced to admit the problems caused by hypertourism, specifically in ferry and rents, the deterioration of entire islands, the waste of resources, such as it’s the water.

That’s why we see them one betting on hydrocarbons and the other demonizing them and deifying RES, until then they “discover” that work can’t be done with them alone, because there is no sun at night – this is a great discovery – and why it doesn’t blow as much as the energy minister wants. Rebesques who can’t even find arguments to say and make up nonsense for the people to lose.

In the meantime the popular families are paying, while some are hoarding and no one is apologizing for the lies they told. That is why on the one hand they glorify and set extravagant goals for electrification and on the other they are preparing to close Volkswagen factories in Germany, because after all “there is no market”, as they say. And of course, they mean that the profits are not what they expected.”

Continuing, Mr. Koutsoubas said: “Who can talk about “limited budgetary possibilities”, when billions are spent on military equipment mainly for the war needs of NATO? When, in fact, in the coming years they will take off, since the shift to the war economy is their new line, lest there be a re-heating of investments, as the infamous Draghi plan foresees.

That is why, friends, we want to discuss with everyone, those in our country who are worried about the developments on the war fronts throughout the world and especially in our neighborhood. They see that from where they started two and a half years ago discussing whether to send helmets and humanitarian aid to the Zelensky regime, they moved on to bullets and ammunition, then to armored vehicles, to F-16s, and now they have reached long-range missiles, which they will be able to strike deep into Russian territory.

At the same time, the analysis of the possibility of a nuclear war is increasing, as if it is the most normal thing in the world. We will not bother to ask, where – really – are hiding today, those who asked at the beginning of the war “where does the KKE see the involvement of NATO?”. They are probably hiding where they always hide when their propaganda fails.

We want to discuss with all those who do not have the heart to watch live a year now a real genocide, that of the Palestinian people by the terrorist state of Israel, which with the support of the USA and the EU is putting a hammer in the Middle East, the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, to advance their plans in a region with vast reserves of natural wealth and through which the most important routes for the transport of goods and energy pass.

And of course, we won’t ask where the TV inquisitors who demanded condemnations of Hamas from anyone who condemned the genocide in Gaza have gone, now that the carnage has spread to the West Bank, where there is no Hamas. Now that the fire of war has been lit in Lebanon and elsewhere. Where Israel is killing, using asymmetric threats and practices of killing civilians, as now in Lebanon.”

Read the full text of D. Koutsoumba’s speech here.

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#KKE #assumes #responsibility #being.. #real #workingpeoples #opposition

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