The Kindle Oasis will be discontinued as Amazon says goodbye to page-turn buttons

The Kindle Oasis will be discontinued as Amazon says goodbye to page-turn buttons

Amazon Says Goodbye to the Kindle Oasis: A Cheeky Look at the E-Reader Evolution

Well, folks, it seems the Kindle Oasis is following a path warmer than a sultry summer day—it’s officially being shelved! Yes, Amazon has announced it’s sunsetting this bad boy, leaving us all with fond memories of its… erm, physical buttons. Who knew that our beloved e-reader just wanted to go out with a bang? Or should I say, a touch?

Devon Corvasce, an Amazon rep (and clearly an ambassador for the touchscreen apocalypse), stated, “Today, all of our devices are touch-forward which is what our customers are comfortable with.” Touch-forward? Is that like a more aggressive way of saying, “We don’t trust you to push a button without collateral damage?” I mean, come on! When will we tell these companies we’re perfectly capable of occasionally breaking a nail just to turn a page?

Launched back in 2016, the Oasis came into our lives with its lightweight, asymmetrical design, tailored for single-handed reading—because what’s cooler than flipping pages like a graceful acrobat, right? However, let’s face it, the price tag was so high that even a tight-fisted dragon would balk at it! If you weren’t cozy with a touchscreen to navigate Dickens, you better have had a Kobo Libra Color up your sleeve.

And the plot thickens! Although the Oasis may be fading into the ether faster than your last New Year’s resolution, the Kindle family isn’t exactly throwing in the towel. Oh no! Amazon has launched a whole new line of devices. That’s right, e-readers are getting their glow-up—like puppy dogs getting some fancy new collars!

What’s New in the Kindle Lineup?

Discovering Amazon’s new toys feels a lot like a family reunion where all the weird aunts and uncles surprise you—some exciting, some just… confusing. Enter the Kindle Colorsoft, marking Amazon’s first-ever color e-reader. This is apparently a heartwarming move from a company that’s ushering us into a vivid new world.

Next up on the catwalk is the Kindle Scribe, which allows you to scribble your thoughts right onto the pages like a pub philosopher after a few too many pints. Finally, the revamped Kindle Paperwhite is getting a refresh—a bit like your older cousin trying to look cool while still wearing last season’s trends.

The Future of E-Readers

But as we raise our glasses to the Oasis, what does all this touch-tech mean for us, the readers? Have we lost a cherished buddy who would, at the very least, allow us to pretend we were flipping actual pages in a book? Are we now left with an army of products that’s all but convinced us that swiping is the only way to read? Surely there must be a middle ground!

So here’s to the Oasis, a noble knight that dared to stand against the relentless tide of touch. And to all the current Kindle versions: may your screens remain scratch-free, your batteries everlasting, and your pages turn with the precision of an Olympic gymnast! And for those still yearning for the satisfying *click* of a button, don’t fret—there are options out there. Just don’t expect them to have the same status as a once-beloved Oasis that had us dreaming of lazy Sundays with a cup of tea and an actual *book* in hand.

Now, readers, let’s ponder the deeper question: Will e-reading ever embrace button enthusiasts again or are we forever doomed to the touchscreen revolution? We await your thoughts—preferably typed gently on a tactile keyboard.



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