The Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy was handed over in Sukoro

Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy: Water Sports Palace or Just Another Splash?

Ah, the great outdoors and all things aquatic! Move over fish; there’s a new catch in town — the Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy in Sukoró! This sprawling complex, unveiled last Saturday, has more square footage than my entire house! And let me tell you, folks, it was constructed quicker than you can say “Olympic gold medal!” But let’s dive into the details and see if this place is a sporting paradise or just another occasional splash in the pool.

A Dream Realized

Katalin Kovács, a name that rings louder than my alarm clock on a Monday morning—she’s a three-time Olympic champion and has collected enough medals to outfit an army of confused squirrels. And here she is, opening an academy to give back to a sport that famously doesn’t even involve archery! In her inaugural speech, she radiated inspiration: “Do what you believe in and believe in what you do.” Wise words, unless you’re trying to swim in a crocodile-infested river, in which case, it’s more about survival!

She waxed lyrical about having brought her dream to life after putting down the shovel. I must speak for us all when I say, whatever she built with that shovel better be fabulous—considering the amount of hard work achieved along the way!

The Academy: A Goliath among Paddles

With over 20,000 square meters of paradise, this academy boasts everything from a counter-current pool designed for fitness fanatics to a high-altitude training facility that could simulate Mt. Everest (minus the freezing temperatures, of course). Honestly, if it gets any fancier, they might as well add a spa, a mini-parliament, and a petting zoo just to keep up!

But hang on, there’s a multifunctional gym, multiple conditioning rooms, and enough bouldering facilities to give even King Kong a run for his money! When I have more facilities than I have friends, it’s time to consider whether I’m in a sports complex or hosting the next Olympic Games.

Community Spirit: Sports for All!

However, Katalin isn’t just focusing on elite athletes practicing their best “paddle on” expressions. She aims to elevate the community spirit by getting kids in local schools involved. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s right! We’re talking kayak classes at your local elementary school. Who needs spelling bees when you can paddle your way to greatness?

The Hungarian government has invested significantly in this structure amidst pandemic woes, as mentioned by the regional MP Zoltán Tessely. So, kudos to them, I guess? A government initiative leading to aspiring Olympians? Pass the confetti!

The Honorable Viktor Orbán Speaks

Not to be outdone in the glitz and glamour department, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also delivered a speech celebrating this majestic aquatic institution. He evoked the historical tie of Hungarians to water sports, making references to rivers, lakes, and the occasional flood—because what’s a celebration without an existential crisis, right? He stated, “You can’t win without participation.” Well, tell that to the guy that finished 20th in the marathon! Participation medals for everyone!

Water You Waiting For?

In closing—much like Katalin when she left the shovel behind—this academy looks poised to cultivate a new generation of kayakers and canoe enthusiasts. Could this be the dawn of a new golden era for Hungarian sports? Or will it simply float away in the current? One thing’s for sure: it’s got potential!

So, sports village, lake-side shenanigans, community bonding, and a sprinkling of dreams—what more could one ask? I now officially require a kayak, a paddle, and some water to splash about in, because it seems there’s a little Katalin in all of us waiting to break free!

Cover image: Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy on the shores of Lake Velence.

The Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy in Sukoro was handed over in a ceremonial setting on Saturday morning, which was built in less than three years and is in some ways unique in the world.

The three-time Olympic, 31-time world and 29-time European champion gave a speech at the opening.

Do what you believe in and believe in what you do. This thought accompanied my career and the creation of the academy. It still feels incredible that this dream has come true and that I’ve been given the opportunity to give something back to the sport that I owe so much to” said the 48-year-old Katalin Kovács.

I feel that my career was round, the main feature was that I wanted to perform at the highest possible level, to be the best among the best“, he added, thanking his family, coaches, fellow sportsmen and opponents. He revealed that after putting down the shovel, he was looking for new motivation, and that’s when the idea of ​​creating the academy was formulated.

It is an indescribably great pride that we can stand here today in a facility that I envisioned. As with my first World Cup victory, I feel now that we can create something really special that could even lead us to another golden era“, he said with emotion, and then thanked the government, the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association and the supporting professionals.

Katalin Kovács, three-time Olympic, 31-time world and 29-time European champion, president of the academy, speaks at the opening ceremony of the Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy. MTI/Koszticsák Solid

According to Katalin Kovács, their goals are multifaceted. They want to help elite sports, primarily kayaking, but they also strive to cooperate with high schools and universities, and they also constantly promote the sport, and kayaking classes have already started in several elementary schools.

Our undisclosed goal is for the facility to be the stronghold of Hungarian kayak-canoeing and Hungarian sports, and we also want to be the home of community sports in the region and the entire country. Our goal here at Sukoro will be for as many people as possible to experience the miracle of sport. I am officially opening the gates of the academy today” he announced.

Zoltán Tesselythe region’s Fidesz member of parliament, stated that they are proud that the academy was realized in Sukoro, and just like an impressive sports performance, this facility is also thanks to the joint efforts of many people.

The government decision on the implementation of the KKNKKA in Sukoro was made in the second half of 2020, the investment was built with central budget support, the National Sports Infrastructure Agency became the maintainer of the state-owned facility. The Hungarian-owned WEST HUNGÁRIA BAU Kft. was able to start the construction in the fall of 2021 based on the plans of Turi Attila Kossuth and Ybl award-winning architect and Planbau Kft. in the area of ​​the kayak-canoe and rowing track in Sukoro – formerly VVSI.

The sports complex has an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters with the academic main building, the boat house building that functions as the kayak-canoe center, the counter-current swimming pool, which is also considered a curiosity in the world, and the renewed target tower.

The sports complex covers more than 20,000 square meters on the shores of Lake Velence. MTI/Koszticsák Solid

Imre Makovecz and the academic main building, which evokes the stylistic features of the organic architecture he created, are multi-sport facilities in terms of functionality. Building parts with different purposes can be approached separately from the lobby: the 50-meter, ten-lane FINA-standard sports pool, which is also suitable for holding swimming competitions and water polo tournaments; the multifunctional gymnasium with a special roof structure, in which basketball, handball and volleyball, futsal and, thanks to the 30-meter-wide boulder walls, are equally at home, even on a split court. The building complex has three conditioning rooms, a modern sports diagnostic department, a restaurant for 240 people, a conference room for 240 people, and dormitories and training camp rooms as well as apartments are located in three building wings.

Hungary’s first high-altitude section is located here, in which, using the systems of the Finnish Hypoxico Group, it is possible to simulate high-altitude conditions for all athletes.

Surrounded by the outdoor sports courts – basketball, tennis, beach volleyball and artificial grass soccer fields, street workout fields – the kayak-canoe center of the academy is located, which includes the boat storage building that also includes the training pools and fitness room, as well as the facility for motion analysis and diagnostic measurements unique counter current pool. A rowing house and boat storage were also built in the area, thus ensuring all the former functions of the area.

The Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy in Sukoro is the first sports facility in the world where the high-altitude section and the counter-current pool are located in the same area“, the hosts announced.

Parallel to the investment, the Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy also started operating in 2021. The sports organization already provides sports for more than 200 children from the preparatory age group to the U23 age group. At the academy, 16 sports coaches, two fitness trainers, two physiotherapists and prevention coaches, as well as four sports science staff at the Kayak-Canoe Methodology Center help prepare the competitors. It strengthens the academy Emese of Kőhalmi seven-time adult world champion, the reigning champion of the Hungarian kayak-canoe sport and Sara Fojtalso a two-time bronze medalist at the Paris Olympics.

Two more Hungarian medals at the Kayak-Canoe Super Cup

Similar to Friday, Balázs Adolf and Vanda Kiszli won medals again.

He attended the Saturday event and gave a speech Viktor Orbán prime minister and was present Adam Schmidt state secretary responsible for sports, Pál Schmitt former president of the republic, Zsolt Gyulaythe Hungarian Olympic Committee and László Szaboalso the president of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee.

Viktor Orbán he said: Hungarians have a special relationship with water sports.

Although we have beautiful rivers and beautiful lakes, Hungary is still located in the middle of the land, he pointed out. Despite this, water polo, swimming and kayaking have always been the flagships of Hungarian elite sports. Recently also on the open water “we compete”, and our sailboats will drive the teams of large sea peoples behind them – added the prime minister.

The Prime Minister recalled: the last Olympics showed how easy it is to miss the top step of the podium. That is why it is necessary to keep up with the world leaders in terms of preparation and the quality of sports facilities, emphasized Viktor Orbán.

He put it this way: you can’t win without participation, and participating means that we make sport a part of our lives. If anyone knows what long-term work is, then Katalin Kovács, who with 31 world championship titles is the world’s most successful female kayaker, can also claim 29 European championship titles and three Olympic gold medals, praised the head of the academy.

The prime minister quoted Katalin Kovács and then spoke about how our Olympic champion’s example shows that community and dissatisfaction perceived as personal ambition are the two main drivers of success.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy. MTI/Koszticsák Solid

Without a community, not only are there no water sports, but there is no nation, Viktor Orbán declared.

According to the Prime Minister, it does not matter what kind of experiences the future generation will bring to adulthood. Because, as he said, today our children live in an increasingly isolated world, and moreover, they are under constant supervision and control.

He added: the great social freedom in which his own generation grew up no longer exists. However, adapted to the needs of our time, community, joint effort, physical strength and skill must still appear in children’s lives, and sport is the most suitable for this, said Viktor Orbán.

He added: you can really do sports in a community, performance is measured in a community, because “there is no such thing as someone running faster than the others in their head, or having already won the Olympics in their dreams“. You have to stand out on the field, you have to get into the boat, you have to stand on the track to find out what the work done is worth, he stated.

According to Viktor Orbán, athletes know that the community gives them strength and endurance. Values ​​such as trust, perseverance, the honor of a given word, or camaraderie can best be learned from sports, he added.

He also touched on the fact that another prerequisite for the nation’s success is ambition, that we should not be satisfied with just the good. These are skills that Hungary will greatly need in the period ahead, he said, and then reminded: although there have been difficulties in the past 35 years, the world has basically lived in a peaceful era. It was possible to achieve success with simple life strategies and slightly better than average performance, but in the future, more will be needed, according to the prime minister.

Hungary will need those who can always “raise the bar“. This is why the Hungarian government invests in sports and why it creates sports academies such as the Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy, emphasized Viktor Orbán.

He emphasized: despite crises, epidemics and wars, a world-class sports center was created on the shores of Lake Venice. So there is a first-class sports field, a high-quality education, and there is also a good community. We have what it takes to succeed, “in the future, there won’t be a Czech hero who will surprise us in our own numbers“, he said.

Great things are waiting for the Hungarians in the coming years, and we have to get back to the top of the world in the sport of kayaking and canoeing, concluded the Prime Minister.

Cover photo: Sukoró, October 12, 2024. The Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy in Sukoró on the opening day, October 12, 2024. The sports complex covers more than 20,000 square meters on the shores of Lake Velence. MTI/Koszticsák Solid



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