The Justice ordered the inhibition of Buquebus assets for more than $123 million

The Justice ordered the general inhibition of assets of the Buquebus company for more than $123 million, due to the lack of reimbursement of funds to the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP). in concept of amounts that the company had received to comply with the payment of the Complementary Salary within the framework of the Emergency Assistance Program for Work and Production (ATP).

As reported by the entity, Resolution 2022-127-E of the General Directorate of Social Security Resources of the AFIP declared the expiration of the benefits of “Complementary Salaries”, by verifying that The firm Los Cipreses SA “operated in the stock market through the acquisition of securities in pesos for their subsequent and immediate sale in foreign currency, immediately following receiving $63,611,993between May and December 2020″.

Given the “lack of response” to the demand made in June of this year by the organization led by Carlos Castagneto, The Justice determined that the payment of another $48,878,597 “for interest and costs” be added to the amount originally claimed, which makes a total of $123,611,639..

Sources close to Buquebus explained to THE NATION that it is an “administrative error” that is in the process of being solved. “Contrary to what the AFIP says, the company was bringing funds into the country; but what happened is that the exchange agent who operates with the firm incorrectly recorded that operation and stated that he had bought the MEP dollar”, commented the sources consulted.

According to these sources, since what had actually happened was that dollars were entering the country and not taking them out, the exchange agent immediately corrected that error. “Until now they had not received a response but today this statement arrives regarding the general inhibition of Buquebu assetss”, they pointed out.

The Federal Administrative Contentious Court No. 9 intervenes in the case, who ordered the execution of the required amounts and notified the National Registry of Ships, the National Registry of Automotive Property, the Real Property Registry of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Real Property Registry of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Conocé The Trust Project



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