The Jupiter Effect | the dresser

2023-08-29 06:50:15

When I told “Lasha” that I wanted to leave, we sat in front of the calendar to see when it would make the most sense to do it and the choice fell on the month of May. I immediately felt it was from heaven because I knew (and sorry if you didn’t know all this about me: it’s a so-called personal story with too much information) that in May Jupiter will enter Taurus. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and he comes to each sign once every twelve years and stays there for a year. This is usually a year during which you feel that everything you plan works more easily because the alignment of the stars is mobilized to help.

I planned to dedicate the year of Jupiter to a new book and collaborations and it turned out that the Jupiter necklace is the opening shot of this year:
because whenAsnat Ambar M-TheyDream And we decided to design a common piece of jewelry together, I immediately thought of Jupiter.

When we were children and we would get caught up in the game “If you found a goldfish right now that would tell you to ask for three wishes, what would you ask for?”, I was one of the smart girls whose third request was a wish ring.
So here it is: The luck and abundance that Jupiter brings to your sign once every twelve years, on your neck every day.

.Walk into a room like you own it and you probably will end up doing just that
Jupiter represents the positivity and the absolute faith that the Universe has your back
(From the chapter on Jupiter in Star Power by Vanessa Montgomery)

All you need to know:
– The necklace and pendant, like all TheyDream jewelry, are handmade in Israel from recycled metals and with care for the environment at every step of the process.
– The chain is made of 925 sterling silver with 24k gold plating, 1 micron thick.
– In the middle of the star is embedded a 1.5 mm diamond.
– The diameter of the pendant is 18 mm (it is not completely symmetrical, like us).
– It comes with an option for two lengths: 40 cm and 46 cm (that’s the length on the picture) in the same chain and you don’t have to commit to one length (if you want another length, that’s possible).

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And also a few words about Asnat, for those who somehow do not know: She founded TheyDream about 9 years ago after completing visual communication design and jewelry studies. She has three daughters with beautiful names (Anna, Oli, Aria), a store in Eben Yehuda (on the floor above Haupt, so you can combine buying jewelry with coffee and croissants) and the kind of personal style that when you find out she has Danish roots, you are not surprised.

This is the lucky planet. When we stride through life with belief in a positive outcome, generosity, honesty and an open heart, we’re far more likely to succeed
(A little more about Jupiter from the book Star Power).

You can say that this shared chain is actually a gift to myself for going independent, but it will suit anyone who feels they need Jupiter close to them.

Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair

She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there’s a time to change

#Jupiter #Effect #dresser

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