The judicial plot involving the second of Carlos Zannini also splashes Aníbal Fernández and his son

According to a report from the Financial Information Unit (UIF) which is in the hands of the federal Justice, the State contractor and partner of Carlos Liuzzi, Gustavo Bevenuto, bought vineyards in the name of Facundo Anibal Fernandezson of Minister Aníbal Fernández, Lucas Gaincerain, and the businessman Fernando Jose Torreta. The acquisition was in 2008 and the land was later sold in 2013.

Benvenuto is one of the owners of the Adcon SA (Knowledge Administrator SA), a firm created in 2005 with a share capital of $12,000 and that, Less than two months following being discharged, she received, thanks to a cooperation agreement signed by Carlos Zannini, a direct contract from the State to digitize all the information in the Official Gazette, a service that until then was provided by the firm La Ley SA. Since then, and until December 2015, the firm, which was not registered as a State supplier, invoiced approximately $134.000.000, as reconstructed THE NATION. Liuzzi, who was Benvenuto’s partner in a construction company, was in charge of the Supervisory Commission that had to audit the Cooperating Fund ADC SA, but the Justice did not find any report or audit on the fulfillment of that contract.

According to the information in the file and to which you agreed THE NATIONBenvenuto bought vineyards in Mendoza during 2008, which he put in the name of Carlos Luzzi -the second of Carlos Zannini-, Lucas Gaincerainthe businessman close to Aníbal Fernández Fernando Jose Torreta and the pediatrician Facundo Anibal Fernandez. Aníbal Fernández was then Minister of Justice of Cristina Kirchner.

Carlos LuzziTwitter

Torreta, Gaincerain and Fernández no longer own those properties, but they did accept at that time before a notary public the purchase made by Benvenuto, according to the documentation provided by the FIU to Justice. Those lands are close to the Sophenia farm, which Benvenuto owns.

There are two operations involving Fernández’s entourage. One was the purchase of a 300-hectare vineyard for which Benvenuto paid $729,000. That land was distributed among his relatives, but they also received 20% Liuzzi and 10% Torreta. The businessman also acquired a 42-hectare vineyard in the department of Tupungatoa to Bodegas y Viñedos Alfredo VA Catena SA, which paid 439,000 dollars and put in the name of Gaincerain, Torreta, Facundo Aníbal Fernández and his own, each with 25%.

“Regarding the reported real estate transactions -indicates the FIU report-, it was also possible to prove that on May 21, 2008 Gustavo Fernando Benvenuto bought “Bodegas y Viñedos Alfredo VA Catena SA”, for the sum of 439,000 dollars, a vineyard located in the province of Mendoza, for himself (25%) and for Mr. José Lucas Gaincerain (25%), Fernando José Torreta (25%) and Facundo Aníbal Fernández (25%)”.

One of those properties was sold for 9,600,000 pesos in 2013 to Telearte SA shareholder Carlos Lorefice Lynch. In that operation, Torreta, Gaincerain and Fernández, who had not bought the land that Benvenuto paid for, participated as sellers.

In the case, which lead the prosecutor Carlos Rivolo and the judge Julian Ercolini, a copy of decree 2085/11 dated 12/7/2011 was incorporated, which incorporated as objective “12″ of the Legal and Technical Undersecretary of the Nation the function of “Manage the Top Level Domain Argentina (.AR) and the Web domain name registration of natural and legal persons”, which then depended on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After the signing of that decree, Through an addendum to the contract between the company Adcon SA and the State, the company also began to provide support for the management software and registration of Internet domains..

Gaincerain held various positions in the state. He was Secretary of Administrative and Budgetary Coordination of the Chief of Staff between 2009 and 2015. The son of Aníbal Fernández also worked for the State during the government of Cristina Kirchner. And he was, recognized by Fernández himself in 2014, a partner of Turret in the company “Biotransgen SRL”. In turn, Torreta would be a partner of Benvenuto in the company “Glorieta SA”.

Upon consultation of THE NATION, Aníbal Fernández did not want to make statements. And close to him they referred to a ruling signed in October 2020, by which the economic criminal judge Alejandro Catania dismissed Gaincerain in a case initiated by a complaint of Elisa Carrio for evasion, smuggling, illicit enrichment and money laundering. That file, according to what judicial sources told this medium, did not investigate those operations. Still, close to the Minister of Security they said: “We never participated in anything with Liuzzi”.

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