The judges of the Hotesur case are drawn

2023-10-15 05:57:55

Next Thursday the Federal Chamber of Cassation will draw lots for the members of the courts that will carry out the trials of two cases involving Cristina Kirchner.

These are Hotesur-Los Sauces and Memorandum with Iran, the files where, in addition to the vice president, Lázaro Báez, Máximo Kirchner, Cristóbal López, Oscar Parrilli, Juan Martín Mena, Luis D’Elía, Carlos Zannini and Andrés Larroque, among others.

The draw will take place at 11 in the morning at the Comodoro Py courts. The judges of the eight federal oral courts participate in it, except for those that Chamber I of Cassation ordered their separation.

A judge will be integrated into the Federal Oral Court 5 in charge of Hotesur-Los Sauces after chambermaids Petrone and Barroetaveña determined that Judge Adriana Paliotti remains at the helm. She is joined by Judge Fernando Canero, who serves in that court until December, so it is not ruled out that by then a new member will have to be drawn unless the new integration has an earlier start date for the debate.

#judges #Hotesur #case #drawn

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