The judge summons Juan José Güemes as a witness after being accused of hiring Begoña Gómez

Madrid’s Court of Instruction Ready to Unravel a Hire-ly Complicated Scandal!

Well, hold onto your legal briefs, folks! The drama in beautiful Madrid is about to get even juicier, and it involves the fascinating world of business education, a hint of nepotism, and possibly a few awkward family dinners! The great Juan José Güemes, who’s served as president of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at IE Business School, has been summoned to appear before the Court of Instruction Number 41 on November 18. Yes, mark your calendars – there’s a courtroom showdown coming up that could rival any daytime soap opera!

The Shocking Allegations: Did They Hire Her Just Because?

Now, it seems that the court’s been busy—Judge Juan Carlos Peinado has his investigative hat on and is ready to tackle the pressing questions of the hour. What did Juan José Güemes know and when did he know it? There’s an accusation flying around that he may have ordered the hiring of none other than Begoña Gómez, the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, to lead the Africa Center at IE. Apparently, it would have been just too difficult to consider qualifications—after all, who needs resumes when you’ve got connections, right?

According to the statement of Sonsoles Blanca Gil de Antuñano, the Human Resources director at IE, she claims she was given direct orders by Güemes himself to hire Gómez. It’s almost as if hiring someone without kicking the tires first has become a stylish trend in Madrid! She didn’t even bother to assess whether Gómez was fit for the role; just followed like a good little soldier. Sounds a bit fishy, doesn’t it?

The Buck Stops (or Starts) with Payments!

Don’t you worry, the plot thickens! Begoña’s employment is under scrutiny for a period between 2018 and 2022. The judge is poking around for some juicy documents on Gómez’s payments. We’re talking monthly payment records, and whether those funds transferred through impeccable accounts or, say, an offshore paradise. Dare to dream, right?

According to a whistleblower complainant from the Clean Hands initiative, it was revealed that the charming airline, Air Europa, doled out a whopping 40,000 euros annually to the Africa Center, which presumably comes with complimentary first-class flights for España’s first lady! Can you imagine? Who needs to travel like the rest of us (legs in the economy class, squished against other mortals) when you can rub elbows with high society at 30,000 feet?

Was Begoña Really the Right Woman for the Job?

Now, here’s a cheeky little twist: the president of IE, Diego del Alcázar Silvela, claims that Begoña’s hiring was justified because of her “adequate resume.” But then, let’s pause for dramatic effect—straight from Gil de Antuñano’s mouth, we learn she never even saw that allegedly “adequate resume.” Sparkling, isn’t it? One can’t help but wonder just what qualifies as a good resume in this context. Personally, I’d think maybe running a country would qualify you, but I digress!

To Wrap Up (or Not?)

As the court date looms, the world is watching to see how this web of connections and alleged impropriety will unfold. Will Güemes be able to clear his name like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat? Or will this case become one of those unfortunate family secrets everyone whispers about during the holidays?

Stay tuned, as we uncover whether this is a case of ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’ or simply an unfortunate coincidence that leaves us asking the question: Just how far can connections get you in the realm of business?

The IE director and former Madrid councilor will have to appear on November 18 before the Court of Instruction Number 41 of Madrid


Judge Juan Carlos Peinado has agreed to summon Juan José Güemes, president of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center of IE Business School since 2010 and former councilor of the Community of Madrid, after the director of Human Resources of IE assured in court that he He had given him the order to hire Begoña Gómez to direct the Africa Center.

In an order, to which Europa Press has had access, the head of the Court of Instruction Number 41 of Madrid sets Güemes’ statement for November 18, at 12:00 p.m. For that same day, he also summons Adriana Ángel, an IE worker.

These summonses take place after last Wednesday the director of Human Resources (HR) of the Instituto de Empresa (IE), Sonsoles Blanca Gil de Antuñano, declared before the judge that it was Juan José Güemes who told her that the company had to be hired. wife of the President of the Government, according to what sources present in the statement told Europa Press.

The sources consulted stated that Gil de Antuñano, who appeared as a witness, explained that she did not assess whether Begoña Gómez was suitable or not for the position, but rather limited herself to following instructions from a superior.

According to these sources, the witness later specified that she had received the order from Juan José Güemes, president of the IE Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and former Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid between 2007 and 2010, and of Employment and Women between 2003 and 2007. Güemes was also a deputy of the Madrid Assembly (2003 – 2010) and Secretary General of Tourism between 2000 and 2003, in the Government of José María Aznar.


With this new summons, the judge continues to investigate the work of Begoña Gómez at the head of the IE Africa Center, dependent on the IE, between 2018 and 2022. This diligence is added to the request that the instructor made last Wednesday, when he claimed that They gave him copies of the monthly payments that were made to Pedro Sánchez’s wife based on his contract. It also requested that it be specified in which accounts these payments were made.

It so happens that in the complaint from Clean Hands – which gave rise to the case – it was indicated that Air Europa “agreed to pay 40,000 euros per year to the Africa Center” and that this agreement between Globalia and the Instituto de Empresa included the delivery of 15,000 euros a year in first class flights for the wife of the President of the Government and his team.

It is worth remembering that on July 29, the judge took a witness statement from the president of the IE, Diego del Alcázar Silvela, who, according to legal sources, explained to Peinado that Begoña Gómez was hired because she had an adequate resume.

Last Wednesday, the director of Human Resources of the IE assured in court that she had not seen Begoña Gómez’s resume because it was a decision made and she only limited herself to writing the contract, according to the sources consulted.



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