The Jiaozhou Bay Second Tunnel: The Largest Undersea Tunnel Construction Project

2024-01-01 12:30:25

Chinese media recently reported that the Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Second Tunnel, the largest undersea tunnel under construction in the world, had officially started its shield tunnel excavation project earlier. This shield excavation will cover a distance of 3,255 meters from the Qingdao Port Terminal to the west coast. It will be connected with the tunnel in the drilling and blasting section, and the shield machine will be received and dismantled in the undersea cavern.

The geology of the seabed in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, is complex. Reports indicate that when the TBM is started, it will immediately enter the sea, and then it will need to traverse complex and changeable, unevenly soft and hard strata and fault zones over a long distance. The “Haitian” shield machine used in the project has a total length of 142 meters, a total weight of 4,275 tons, and an excavation diameter of 15.63 meters. It is equipped with intelligent systems including a telescopic main drive and a telescopic excavation bin monitoring system. The deepest point of the main line tunnel shield machine excavation is 115 meters above sea level, and the total amount of earth and stone excavated exceeds 6 million cubic meters. The tunnel adopts the structure of two main tunnels and an intermediate service tunnel, with up to six two-way lanes to meet passenger and freight transportation needs. The vehicle is required to cross the sea, and the maximum speed of the vehicle is 80 kilometers per hour.

The Jiaozhou Bay Second Tunnel Project starts from Qingdao’s West Coast New Area in the west, crosses Jiaozhou Bay in the east, and finally lands near Qingdao Port, and then connects to Qingdao’s east coast urban area in the form of a viaduct. The main line is 17.48 kilometers long, of which the tunnel occupies 14.37 kilometers, including 9.95 kilometers of sea section. The length of the Jiaozhou Bay Second Tunnel not only exceeds the Seikan Undersea Tunnel in Japan and the Channel Tunnel, but it is also the largest undersea tunnel that combines the drilling and blasting method with the shield method.

Source of information and pictures: cnbeta

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