“The Jewish Brigade is not Israel” –

Giuseppe China

«Yesterday in the square in Rome, for the umpteenth time, a part of society wanted to prevent the necessary remembrance from being paid to the Jewish Brigade. In this way, the president of the capital’s Jewish community, Victor Fadlun, confided in an interview with Tempo – what is a celebration of our country is contaminated with political considerations because the Jewish Brigade is associated with Israel and then pro-Palestine themes are included , but all this has nothing to do with it. I would like to point out that the Jewish Brigade, under the British flag, contributed to the liberation from Nazi-fascism with 30,000 men. That contingent included many relatives of those who lost their lives in the German extermination camps. It is a historical fact that the Jewish Brigade fought on the side of freedom and democracy.”

Among your protesters was chef Rubio, already under investigation by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office for inciting racial hatred, who released a video on social networks in which heavy insults are addressed in Arabic.

«That phrase (“Jews sons of dogs”, ed.) was said to us several times during the pogroms in North Africa. The Nazis were the first to associate us with impure animals: such as cockroaches and bedbugs. It is typical of a world of hatred and non-recognition of Jewish culture. I wonder what connection it has to the Palestinian cause? Perhaps it would be appropriate for those demonstrating for Palestine to ask for the release of the current prisoners and remember that their grandparents supported the grand mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini. Instead, the Jewish community has already denounced Chef Rubio’s proposal in the past and we are confident in the work of the judiciary. We are certainly evaluating his post and will not accept any further manifestations of resentment.”

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Why does this climate of anti-Semitism know no respite?
«Unfortunately there was a severe cultural blackout. Despite all the work done with the Days of Remembrance, the awareness of what the absolute evil of Nazi-fascism was is incomplete. In the current context we are witnessing its virulent return: among the many examples I can give you I think of the outrages against stumbling blocks.”

Do you think that we will see further degeneration in the coming months or are you confident that the current situation can improve?
«The points in common between Italy and Israel are many: from the sacredness of the family to care for one’s loved ones. I speak about it firsthand as an Italian citizen of the Jewish faith. I have hope in the similarities and I believe that Italy has the antibodies to face this serious contingency.”

#Jewish #Brigade #Israel #Tempo
2024-04-28 01:56:29

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