the Japanese relieved but wary

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The new agreement with Renault and Nissan is seen as the end of an injustice by Japanese media, which remain suspicious of Emmanuel Macron.

From our correspondent in Tokyo, Karyn Nishimura

Le siege de Nissan, a Yokohama.
Nissan headquarters in Yokohama.

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Auring the Meiji era (1868-1912), Japanese leaders had only one obsession: to repeal “unequal treaties”. In their eyes, these texts, signed years earlier with the Western powers, granted them far too many rights over the archipelago, reduced to the status of a mini-port colony without much in return. The repeal took place in 1896.

To discuss the alliance between Nissan and Renault, the Japanese press often refers to the term “unequal treaties”. She, like the employees of Nissan on condition of anonymity, had more and more difficulty in supporting what she considered to be a stranglehold of the French manufacturer and its reference shareholder, the French State, on the Japanese group. . Certainly, during their alliance in 1999, Nissan was…

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