The James Webb Telescope made another surprising discovery

The James Webb Telescope, sent into space to explore the secrets of the universe, has made another surprising discovery.

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a planet that is completely filled with a deep water ocean. This discovery has led to the discovery of extraterrestrial planets capable of human habitation.

Data from the James Webb Space Telescope revealed the chemical elements of water vapor and methane and carbon dioxide in the planet’s atmosphere. This planet is twice the size of Earth and is located 70 light years away.

In separate research reports, researchers from the University of Cambridge in the UK and the University of Montreal in Canada analyzed data from the James Webb Space Telescope and detailed the planet.

Experts from the University of Cambridge said that the chemical mixture indicates a water world whose surface is completely submerged by the ocean while the atmosphere is rich in hydrogen.

He further said that the temperature of this sea could be 100 degrees Celsius or more, but it is not clear whether it is habitable for humans or not.

The planet has been named TOI-270 d and its discovery once again proves James Webb’s ability to observe planets outside our solar system.

Evidence for the planet’s ocean is based on the absence of ammonia, suggesting that the planet’s atmosphere is dominated by hydrogen.

But according to the researchers, ammonia dissolves easily in water, so it may be present in the sea instead of the atmosphere. But the conditions there are completely different from the ground.

One side of TOI-270 d is always facing its star while the other side is always dark, resulting in a large temperature difference between the two locations.

According to the researchers, where there is always daylight, the ocean is much hotter, while the dark side could potentially be habitable, but the pressure there could be millions of times higher than Earth’s surface.

The results of this research were published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters.

On the other hand, researchers from the University of Montreal said that we think the temperature of this planet is so high that water cannot exist there in liquid form.

He further said that the amount of water vapor in the planet’s atmosphere is very high and therefore the idea of ​​the presence of an ocean does not seem plausible.

He said that the temperature on the surface of the planet would probably reach 4000 degrees Celsius and if there was water there, it would be a boiling condensed liquid.

Both research teams also discovered carbon disulphide in the planet, which has been linked to biological processes on Earth, but the compound could be formed from other sources, while no traces of another biological compound, dimethyl sulphide, were found.

#James #Webb #Telescope #surprising #discovery
2024-04-25 02:42:35

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