The Italian Left’s Mobilization for Social Achievements and the Rise of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism: A Call for Defending Social Values

2023-11-13 22:22:03

Italy » The Italian left and more broadly the opposition to the government of Giorgia Meloni are mobilizing to talk about the need to defend social achievements and call for an end to conflicts. But without touching on the themes of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism which are emerging almost everywhere so as not to offend part of his electorate. Pro-Palestinian processions are increasing while student youth sometimes protest violently against Israel, which is described as a terrorist state, occasionally invoking a new intifada.

Some 4,000 academicians, researchers and university professors are demanding an immediate end to all current and future collaborations with Israeli establishments. While anti-Semitism resurfaces in Europe and a feeling of rejection begins to meander through international opinion, not against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu but against the entire Jewish state despite the rise in the number of opponents who

#AntiIsrael #call #mobilizes #Italian #academics

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