The Israeli army announces the downing of a drone carrying “secret photos” of Hezbollah

2022-01-07 19:32:37|

JERUSALEM, Jan. 7, 2022 (Xinhua) The Israeli army announced on Friday that it had shot down a (drone) drone containing “secret photos” of the special forces of the Lebanese Hezbollah in recent months.

In a statement, army spokesman Avichai Adraee said that the army had managed in recent months to shoot down a Hezbollah march that crossed the border towards Israeli territory and was used for “intelligence purposes and information gathering.”

Adraee added that the plane “contained pictures from an exercise of a party military force training in the technique of using drones. Pictures of the party’s operators showed them.”

Adraee indicated that in recent months, the army began to adopt a “special formation” once morest Hezbollah’s activities by using marches, which contributed to strengthening the army’s capabilities to monitor the party’s drones following they crossed the border towards Israel.

According to the IDF Spokesman, this step contributed to an increase in the number of drones downed by the IDF.

Last Tuesday, the Israeli army announced in a statement that it had shot down a Hezbollah drone that had penetrated Israeli airspace.

And the Israeli army announced in its summary of its operations during the past year, that 31 rockets and missiles were launched from Lebanon towards Israel during 2021, and they were answered with 15 missiles from combat aircraft and regarding 200 artillery shells.

Nine attempts to infiltrate from Lebanese territory into Israeli territory were also thwarted, in addition to increased activities to thwart the smuggling of weapons and drugs from Lebanon to Israel, where 120 kilograms of narcotics and 75 pistols were seized, according to the Israeli army.

Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah fought a war in 2006, most of which took place on Lebanese soil.



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