The Israeli ambassador ruled out possible “dangerous episodes” in Argentina

2023-10-08 16:55:00

He ambassador of the State of Israel in Argentina, Eyal Selaspoke out regarding the escalation of violence that occurred in the Gaza Strip and discarded the possibility of occurrence danger episodes in Argentina. In addition, he thanked President Alberto Fernández and the Foreign Ministry for the messages of solidarity following the Hamas attack.

“It usually happens that at these times we have to be more careful but there is no information regarding anything specific in Argentina“said Sela in dialogue with Ignacio Ortelli on the program If it happens, it happens by Radio Rivadavia.

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In this sense, following ruling out the possibility of risk situations in the country, the Israeli ambassador stressed that Care must be taken. He then pointed out that, in his opinion, the Hamas group is financed by Iranto promote “the groups that want to continue killing innocents.”

The terrorist organization Hamas started a war once morest the Israeli population. The official figures are more than three thousand dead, two thousand wounded and a few dozen hostages captured by Hamas, which uses them as human shields and does not provide information,” said Sela.

He also went deeper: “Most of the places they entered are controlled“There are still suspicions in some places, and rocket fire continues in the areas near Gaza, more towards the areas of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.”

We are going to try to improve the situation between Israel and those who want peace, Judeo-Christian values, human rights, freedom of minority and LGBT groups, democracy, etc. The peace that Israel has with Egypt, Jordan, the Arab Emirates and the relations with a large part of the authority of the Palestinian people who want peace,” she added.

In this context, he maintained that Israel will continue to defend itself from “those who call to wipe Israel off the mapwho believe that they have no right to have their State in our historical cradle”, in order to guarantee the security of the Israeli population.

“We are going to try to see how we keep our values ​​and on the other side we defend ourselves”Sela stated and clarified: “We can look for a solution, but we must ensure that innocent Palestinians will not suffer any harm from this side.”

Israel declared a “state of war” and responded to the Hamas attack: there are more than 500 dead

“We are going to try to prevent weapons from entering”He indicated and emphasized that the difference between Israel and the Hamas group is that, when it comes to defending itself, “there are very few civilian deaths on the other side.”

In this regard, he concluded: “On the other side, When they kill our innocents they are celebrating, giving candy and different sweets. This shows the great difference in values.”

Solidarity and gratitude

During the interview, Sela also took the opportunity to thank President Alberto Fernández and the Foreign Ministry for the messages of solidarity they received in response to the Hamas attack on their country, which occurred this Saturday.

We are very grateful for the statements made by President Fernández and the Foreign Ministry. There was a call with our president of solidarity,” said the Israeli ambassador.

Furthermore, he detailed. “Four of the five presidential candidates sent out clear messages condemning terrorism and their solidarity with the people of Israelalso governors and mayors of almost all political colors.

Reinforced security worldwide

The attack by the Hamas group once morest Israel and the armed conflict in the Gaza Strip triggered a reinforcement of security measures at Jewish sites around the worldsuch as France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

In Francethe Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmaninannounced that security would be reinforced in the vicinity of places of worship and Jewish schools, although he clarified that, for the moment, there is “no threat.”


In turn, in Germany The government reinforced security measures in all buildings of the Jewish community and Israeli representation, as detailed by the Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeserin dialogue with the newspaper Bild. At the same time, the authorities “closely monitor potential Hamas supporters in the Islamist sphere.”

The police of LondonFor its part, the presence of officers and patrols increased in certain neighborhoods where “incidents” linked to the Hamas attack on Israel occurred. Likewise, the Ministry of the Interior determined “zero tolerance” for the “exaltation of terrorism.”

AS. / ds

#Israeli #ambassador #ruled #dangerous #episodes #Argentina



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