The IPS grants $214,000 to those who are in the lowest 80% of the RSH: check if it applies to you

Individuals belonging to the country’s most vulnerable groups have access to various economic benefits. Many of these benefits are managed through the Social Security Institute (IPS), including the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension (PBSI).

This pension is provided monthly at an amount of $214,269, which is the same as the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), also offered by the IPS. The pension amount is adjusted annually based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Check if this benefit applies to you using your RUT

The process is quite straightforward; just follow these steps:

  1. Visit this website created by Chile Atiende.
  2. Enter your RUT.
  3. Click on “Consult”.

The system will let you know whether you qualify for the benefit. If you do not qualify but meet the necessary criteria, you will have the option to submit the required application.

Who can benefit from this IPS contribution

Individuals with declared disabilities who meet the following four criteria can receive this benefit:

  • They are between 18 and 64 years old.
  • They belong to the 80% most vulnerable population, according to the Social Household Registry (RSH).
  • They have resided in the country for at least five years, whether continuously or intermittently.
  • They do not receive a pension from any pension system.

Understanding the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension (PBSI) in Chile

People who are part of the most vulnerable groups in the country have access to numerous economic benefits. Many of these are managed through the Social Security Institute (IPS), such as the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension (PBSI).

This pension is granted monthly in an amount of $214,269, the same as the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), which is also provided by the IPS. The value of the pension is adjusted annually according to the variation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Check with your RUT if this benefit applies to you

The procedure is quite simple and follow these steps:

  1. Enter this website developed by Chile Atiende.
  2. Enter the RUT.
  3. Click on “Consult”.

The system will inform you whether or not you are a beneficiary. If you are not, but you meet the necessary requirements, you will have the option to make the corresponding application.

Who can be beneficiaries of this IPS contribution?

People with declared disabilities who meet the following requirements can receive the benefit:

  • They are between 18 and 64 years old.
  • They belong to the 80% most vulnerable, according to the Social Household Registry (RSH).
  • They certify five years of residence in the country, continuous or discontinuous.
  • They do not receive a pension from any other pension scheme.

Benefits of the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension (PBSI)

The Basic Solidarity Disability Pension (PBSI) offers a range of economic and social benefits to its recipients, including:

  • Financial Security: With a monthly disbursement of $214,269, beneficiaries can afford basic necessities, contributing to their overall well-being.
  • Social Inclusion: The pension helps marginalized individuals gain access to social services and partake in community life.
  • Health Benefits: Access to healthcare services is enhanced, allowing for continuous medical care.
  • Support Networks: Recipients often join support groups that foster a sense of community and shared experiences.

Practical Tips for Applying for PBSI

To ensure a smooth application process for the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension, consider these practical tips:

  • Gather Required Documents: Have your ID, proof of residency, and any medical documentation ready.
  • Understand the Eligibility Criteria: Familiarize yourself with the criteria to avoid delays in your application.
  • Seek Additional Help: If you face difficulties, reach out to community organizations that assist with the application process.
  • Stay Updated: Regularly check the IPS website for any changes in policies regarding PBSI and similar pensions.

Case Studies: Real-Life Experiences with PBSI

Here are some stories of beneficiaries who have experienced significant changes in their lives due to the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension:

Case Study 1: Maria’s Journey

Maria, a 45-year-old woman with a declared disability, received her PBSI after struggling to make ends meet. The monthly pension allowed her to cover her medical expenses and participate in social activities, empowering her to regain her independence.

Case Study 2: Juan’s New Beginning

Juan, aged 60, had been living without any stable income. After qualifying for the PBSI, he found financial relief that enabled him to rent a small apartment and pursue vocational training, positioning him for future employment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about PBSI

1. What is the application processing time for PBSI?

The processing time can vary, but applicants typically receive a response within 30 to 60 days after submitting their application.

2. Can I apply for PBSI online?

Yes, applications can be submitted online through the Chile Atiende website. Make sure to follow the steps outlined above.

3. What happens if my application is denied?

If your application is denied, you will be notified with the reasons and have the option to appeal the decision within a specific time frame.


The Basic Solidarity Disability Pension (PBSI) is a vital lifeline for individuals with disabilities in Chile. By understanding the application process and eligibility criteria, beneficiaries can tap into these economic benefits for a better quality of life.

Eligibility Criteria Details
Age 18 to 64 years old
Vulnerability Index 80% most vulnerable
Residency 5 years in the country
Pension Status No other pension received



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