The iPhone sold without accessories, Apple earns billions

Two years ago, Apple removed the charger and headphones from the iPhone box. This is a measure that had been presented as ecological, but it was obvious that the withdrawal of accessories would also allow Apple to save money while this withdrawal was not accompanied by a drop in prices. CCS Insight analysts took an interest in the matter: quoted by the Daily Mailthey tell us that this withdrawal would have brought in close to 6.6 billion dollars for Apple out of the 190 million smartphones sold since.

There is of course the manufacturing cost of the charger and earphones, the removal of which did not influence the price. But there is also the reduction in the cost of packaging, which is now almost twice as small, and above all the optimization of storage and transport: Apple would save 40% on this item by allowing each pallet to ship 70 % more devices. Apple would thus save the equivalent of 35.6 dollars per iPhone sold, ie a total of 6.6 billion dollars in less than two years, to which must be added the sale of accessories which would represent an additional income of 297 million dollars.

The iPhone 11 box before and after removing the accessories — Image via Reddit

In France, Apple had to continue to provide headphones for a while because of a law requiring the provision of a hands-free kit: this provision has since been removed by a new law aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of digital and headphones are no longer supplied by Apple in France since February 1. Now they represent an additional 19 €the 20 W charger being for its part sold 25 €. In terms of emissions, Apple estimates that this measure is equivalent to removing 500,000 cars from the world’s roads.

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