the invigorating geopolitical lesson of Josep Borrell


It is a speech that will mark Brussels. And European apprentice diplomats, whom the European Union (EU) now intends to train in its own academy being deployed, will now be able to study it. On Monday October 10, Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative, addressed some 135 EU ambassadors for the opening of their annual conference, which ends on Friday October 14. And he gave them both a lesson in geopolitics, lucidity in the face of weaknesses, but also a motivational session, with some sometimes undiplomatic spades.

“Now is not the time to send you flowers, to tell you that you are beautiful and that you work well. (…). It’s a time when we need to talk together regarding what didn’t work “enough” enough.attacked the Catalan diplomat, head of the European External Action Service of the EU since 2019.

And one thing seems clear: the European diplomatic corps is not reactive enough today. “I should be the most learned man on the planet, [mais] sometimes I know more regarding what’s going on by reading the press than by reading your reports. » And to drive the point home: “I am the ‘Foreign Minister of Europe’. Act as if you were working for a national embassy: send a telegram, a cable, an e-mail – quickly, quickly, please. React. »

On the substance, the High Representative of the European Union gave a geopolitical master class of the challenges facing Europe. He unfolded his analysis of a continent caught in a “radical uncertainty” and today too dependent on American, Chinese and… Russian powers. “We have decoupled the sources of our prosperity from the sources of our security”, he said, citing an analysis by researcher Olivier Schmidt, a professor at the Center for War Studies at the University of Southern Denmark.

“The adjustments will be very hard”

Recalling how the EU has built its wealth and recent development on very low energy prices – most often from Russia – and trade – exports of machinery and imports of goods at low prices – with China . “I think Chinese workers, and their low wages, have done more to contain inflation than any central bank action” global…

The war in Ukraine is of course calling into question the ties of dependence with Russia, as Europe is already experiencing when it sees energy prices soar. After the crisis due to Covid-19 and the renewal for a third term of Xi Jinping, ties with China have also been greatly weakened. “The adjustments will be very hard”he predicted.

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