The investigation against Sobisch for false testimony is moving slowly

2023-05-04 08:05:00

last March 16 a court sentenced six police chiefs who planned and carried out the repression of April 4, 2007 in which Corporal Jose Dario Poblete murdered the teacher Carlos Fuentealba. One of the witnesses in the trial was the former Governor of the MPN, Jorge Sobisch. The chief prosecutor, Maximiliano Breide Obeid, identified contradictions in his statement and asked that he be investigated for false testimony. One month following the verdict, the case has not yet started.

Sobisch personally instructed the police chiefs on April 3, 2007. The version varied regarding the content of the directive he held at that meeting. In the 2008 trial, in which Poblete was tried as the author of the shot, he stated that the order was that no violence be used«. At that time the “Fuentealba II” case, focused on political responsibilities, was in the investigation stage, and the complaint sought to impute the ex-president.

In 2023, already far from an accusation, the former governor stated that he did not remember anything and that he never spoke of violence. That is why Breide Obeid asked the court to send a copy of both statements.

«On one of the two occasions (Sobisch) lies. That is what I understand, and it has to be investigated.”said the prosecutor following the allegations.

At the time of sentencing, Judge Luis Giorgetti responded: “At the request of the prosecution that this court order the referral of a copy of the record of witness Sobisch’s statement, we must remind the chief prosecutor that the role of promoting the Criminal action and investigation of crimes of public action is at the head of the public prosecutor’s office and does not need judicial authorization to obtain the video of a public hearing.

The investigation is very simple. it does not require the production of new evidence. The prosecutor Diego Azcárate, of Assignment of Cases, simply must compare both testimonies.

However this still might not be achieved. because the Judicial Office does not have a copy of Sobisch’s 2008 statement. The prosecutor’s office requested it from the complaint that represents Sandra Rodríguez and her daughters, Camila and Ariadna Fuentealba.

Only when this happens, Azcárate will take the time to resolve whether to file the case or move forward. It will be necessary to see if it materializes before June 21 and 22, when the court imposes the sentence on the six convicted police officers.

Carlos Zalazar, Moses and Adolph Soto, Mario Rinzafri and Jorge Garrido They were found guilty of the crime of abuse of authority. All of them are retired from the force. Benito Matus, who was then the main officer in the Logistics area, was convicted of aggravated arms abuse. He is the only one on duty.

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