The intriguing absence of the triumvirate at the Eid El-Fitr festivities in Algeria

In Algeria, in the absence of the president with the unpronounceable name, nor, moreover, his mentor, the senile General Chenegriha, or even the President of the Council of the Nation, Salah Goudjil, it is the Prime Minister who performed the official prayer of Eid El-Fitr at the Great Mosque of Algiers.

Contrary therefore, to the presidential protocol which wants it to be the head of state, except “exceptional circumstances” to whom falls this religious duty, it is Aïmene Benabderrahmane who accomplished it, Monday at the Great Mosque of Algiers. The Eid Al Fitr prayer took place in an atmosphere of piety and serenity, in the midst of many faithful and representatives of the diplomatic corps of Arab and Muslim countries accredited in Algiers “, tells us the clone of the Soviet Pravda which has never evolved since, the “very honorable Algerian agency APS or APZ” is at all like.

This honorable last one even makes a design of what the Imam of service at the mosque of Algiers underlined, namely that “Eid Al Fitr was an opportunity for reconciliation in Muslim society”sic! nuanced however by this eternal refrain which consists in calling“to block the way to those who try to sow discord between the children of the Algerian people and to “disintegrate its coherent society” by allying with those who do not wish good for the country’s children, urging citizens to ‘ reject the destructive ideas of those who are busy, with different means, to distort the facts”.

It will be understood on this side of the borders we know who the villains are. But beyond the fact that the triumvirate of the junta of Algiers shone in its absence, what pushes us to question ourselves is its why. Is the senile trio made up of miscreants? We will gladly urge Benkirane to tell us a word about it, or is it for a state reason like a promised war, a coup d’etat? we never know with regard to the neither monkey nor human outfit of this good old Lamrara in the family photo of Eid El Fitr 2022, in Algeria in the mosque of the capital.

Finally, this absence of Chenegriha and his apprentice with an unpronounceable name as well as that of the second man in the country or the third, the option remains open if we include the reality of the Chief of Staff at the head of this mounted vote , is quite intriguing. Bizarre also that it is the Prime Minister, Aïmene Benabderrahmane who presented, Monday, his wishes to the Algerian people, on the occasion of Eid El-Fitr on his official Facebook page and not the president. The latter in a message where only his photo appears, broadcast by APS interposed, will have killed two birds with one stone and presented his religious and laborious wishes on the occasion of Labor Day.

Still no soul who lives either for the “good wishes of Eid” to the elements of the brave National People’s Army (ANP). He barely deigned to tweet on his Twitter page. For someone who wants to be the tribune of tribunes in Algeria and who wants to be the champion of “official” media interventions, this is really intriguing. From the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces nothing has filtered either, just like from the President of the National Council in the name meaning a generation not so good as that “Goudjil” (91 years old). What’s going on in Algeria?

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