The internet is in a frenzy over what Tom Cruise did at the end of the Olympics. “What an embarrassment”

On Sunday after 9:00 PM the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris began. Games that allowed many athletes to break personal records, as well as world records. Games that provided fans with a lot of emotions. The organizers wanted the final accent of the event to also provide viewers with a lot of excitement. And indeed, several ideas impressed the audience.

Watch the video The Games are over, and at the airport… a Polish activist in action. “Bravo, president!”

This includes the performance of the piece “Hymn to Apollo” by the Swiss pianist Alain Roche, who was hanging about 10 meters above the ground, along with the piano. What’s more, both he and the instrument were in a vertical position. “Amazing”, “Breathtaking”, “It was simply epic” – wrote Internet users. However, one of the performances did not appeal to them.

Internet users rated Cruise’s performance at the Olympic closing ceremony: “Inept”

We are talking about the episode with Tom Cruise. The Hollywood star “fell from the sky”, or rather was lowered on a rope from the roof of the Stade de France. Then he grabbed the Olympic flag, got on a motorbike and sped with it… towards Los Angeles. This is where the next edition of the games will be held.

Only that his performance did not please internet users, which they made clear on social media. They noticed that the organizers certainly wanted to refer to the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London, when Queen Elizabeth II and Daniel Craig, the actor who played the iconic character James Bond, arrived at the stadium in a similar way. At that time, viewers were delighted with the idea and its execution.

Now it was completely different. “It was plagiarism from London – it’s a pity they didn’t come up with a more original idea”, “The Queen did it much better”, “America reworked it quite clumsily” – they wrote. But that was not the end.

The star did not expect such criticism

There were many more critical comments online. Internet users did not mince their words. “Cruise ruined the whole ending”, “Oh my God, what an embarrassment”, “Well, for me it was the tackiest thing during the whole ceremony, although of course it’s a matter of taste”, “Mockery”, “Everyone knew what he would do. No surprise”, “I expected much more from him” – these are just a few of them. Internet users also pointed out to the actor that he rode a motorbike without a helmet, which promotes irresponsible behavior.

The Olympic Games in Paris featured 10,714 athletes from 206 countries. Over 200 athletes were citizens of the Republic of Poland. They managed to win only 10 medals, which placed them in a distant 42nd place. The leaders of the medal classification, and at the same time its winners, were the Americans – as many as 126 medals, 40 of which were gold.



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