The International Controversy Surrounding the Colombian Ambassador’s Praise of the Nicaraguan Regime: Analysis and Repercussions

2023-07-11 03:01:55


The Colombian ambassador in that country praised the Nicaraguan regime. His presence unleashed an international geopolitical storm.


Republican Senator Marcos Rubio, one of the US leaders most critical of left-wing governments, spoke on July 10 regarding the surprising statement issued by the Colombian ambassador to Nicaragua, León Fredy Muñoz, who did not hesitate to praise the regime. by Daniel Ortega.

“It is inconceivable that the ambassador of the Petro Government applauds a bloody Marxist revolution. It is a serious insult to all Nicaraguans and exiles who still suffer the repercussions of the Sandinistas,” Rubio wrote on his Twitter account.

A deep controversy aroused the Colombian ambassador in Nicaragua, León Fredy Muñoz, to participate and exalt the regime of Daniel Ortega, precisely when the ruling of the International Criminal Court of The Hague in the case between the two countries on maritime boundaries is regarding to be known. in the San Andrés archipelago.

“This is admirable, what I have felt since I arrived in Nicaragua on September 30, here I am as ambassador. It is a happy, beautiful, kind people and, above all, a people that is convinced of its revolution,” said Ambassador Muñoz.

And he added: “The truth is I am pleasantly surprised and today this celebration ratified it here, this commemoration of this July 7 is a wonderful thing.”

His statements and participation in this celebration of the regime in that country have already generated criticism even on the international scene. United States Senator Marco Rubio criticized Muñoz.

“It is inconceivable that the ambassador of the Petro Government applauds a bloody Marxist revolution. It is a serious insult to all Nicaraguans and exiles who still suffer the repercussions of the Sandinistas,” Rubio criticized.

According to local media, the event was also attended by Colombian congressman Alejandro Toro, from the Historical Pact. The official media said that it was “Colombian diplomacy.”

International controversy is served, since other leaders have expressed that, according to the Vienna Convention, diplomats should not interfere in the internal affairs of a State, so this might be a clear incidence.

“Eye. The Colombian ambassador in Nicaragua was celebrating the crimes of Daniel Ortega in Caminata 44/19. Article 41 of the Vienna Convention states that diplomats should not ‘interfere in the internal affairs of a State,’ much less in political matters,” said the former Nicaraguan ambassador to the OAS, Arturo McFields Yescas.

The fact draws attention because next Thursday, July 13, the ruling of the International Criminal Court (ICC) of The Hague on the dispute between the two countries will be known, so it is questioned whether the assistance would be related to that fact. A substantive decision is expected from the international court on the extended continental shelf in a dispute that dates back to 2001.

In addition, it has drawn the attention of Nicaraguans that a few months ago the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Relations questioned the Ortega regime for abuses of power and now its diplomat is participating in these celebrations.

Subsequently, Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva gave Colombian nationality to the writer Sergio Ramírez, who was exiled by the Ortega regime. Along with Ramírez, another 300 Nicaraguans were stripped of their nationality.

#Marco #Rubio #Republican #senator #exploded #Colombian #ambassador #Nicaragua #applauded #marxist #bloody #dictatorship



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