The intellectual maquis of Timothée Mémey –

Today, focus on nationalization or entry into the capital of strategic companies. To always be enjoyed with the same pleasure!

Funny Gabonese! The star chef and his Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) have launched a vast project which aims, according to them, to give Gabon its “economic sovereignty” long confiscated by multinationals operating in the so-called strategic sectors.

First big catch in this capital hunt: Assala-Gabon which saw 75% of its capital bought back. That’s not all, they have created a holding company which will carry out the project of the future airline. They also plan to relaunch the international radio station with a pan-African vocation, Africa N°1.

This is all already cool. Does he plan to stop there because there is still radio silence on certain cases? In his time, Alain Bernard alias Ali Bongo had purred regarding Gabon’s entry into the capital of Eramet, whose local subsidiary COMILOG exploits manganese in Moanda. Continuity of the State obliges, the chief star and his CTRI must continue this file. Opening it is not a crime of lèse majesté. And what regarding all these foreign companies that exploit our mining deposits without visibility for ordinary mortals? And telecommunications entirely controlled by foreign capital. Hasn’t the time come to open our eyes and regain control of this strategic sector?
Can we imagine the United States entrusting its telecommunications hub to China or Russia? Who is this scientist who had the crazy idea of ​​entrusting our telecommunications to a foreign company? Frankly !
We have the impression that the CTRI is following double standards. Because certain majors, due to their omnipotent cosmo-planetary power, seem untouchable. The CTRI is expected to regain control of the capital of banks such as UGB and BICIG currently in the hands of consortiums of foreign interests. And what regarding the port of Owendo controlled by foreign service providers who have resumed service following Bolloré!
Gabon must take control of all these strategic sectors because our rise to happiness depends on it.


Nationalize companies that operate in strategic sectors, if that is the option to boost the economy and development of the country, so much the better.
Although the problem of good governance is another pair of sleeves which must make us think so that we do not quickly become disillusioned. Let’s not forget that the Gabonese has a bad reputation for having a bad relationship with money.

Let’s not nationalize everything, only the majors operating in strategic sectors should be targeted by the CTRI measures, otherwise we would risk resembling North Korea and scaring away foreign investors.
Naively, I dare to hope that behind these capital buyouts does not hide a project with criminal outlines!
Be careful, be careful, be careful! Without attributing gloomy intentions to the star-in-chief, the führer, before establishing the Nazi regime in Germany, had nationalized all the companies established in this country.

The rest we know…

Timothée Mémey, independent journalist, columnist

NB: this column does not reflect the point of view of the editorial staff

2024-03-07 07:33:46
#intellectual #maquis #Timothée #Mémey



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