The Instagram post for 7 years of survival – 2024-04-27 22:33:06

Holding a balloon with the number “7”, she highlights seven years of surviving the serious health adventure that almost cost her her life. In order to celebrate her birthday, 7 years after the date that scarred her life, Katerina Vrana shared a touching and inspiring post on her personal Instagram account, capturing two of the most important moments of her life.

Stand-up comedian Katerina Vrana shares with the world on Instagram an emotionally charged journey into the past, highlighting both her birthday and the anniversary of her battle with life from the hospital room. With photographs that capture joy and renewal, Vrana reminds us of the importance of survival and gratitude. Katerina Vrana shared with her followers and specifically writes on her personal account: “April 15th is my birthday. April 23rd is the day I almost died. Feast 2- in – 1. 7 Years of Survival. Surrounded by everyone who kept me alive. Doctors, family, therapists, friends. Thanks to everyone who came and I missed those who couldn’t. I love you all so so much!”

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