The Inspiring Story of Lao Chen: Overcoming Small Cell Lung Cancer Against All Odds

2023-11-08 16:23:55

Following the previous article that mentioned the story of my colleague Lao Chen who suffered from terminal lung cancer, next, I would like to tell you how Lao Chen reversed small cell lung cancer, which is even more ferocious than the “King of Cancers”~

(Readers who want to know regarding Lao Chen’s cancer journey can read my previous article????????Lao Chen’s anti-cancer story

When talking regarding the cancer king, most people think of pancreatic cancer, but they don’t know that “small cell lung cancer” is even more deadly. Because most of them are discovered at an advanced stage, deteriorate quickly, are prone to metastasis, and are prone to relapse, and almost no new drugs have been released in the past 20 years, patients can only rely on chemotherapy to survive. As many as 60% of patients do not survive one year, and the five-year survival rate is only 6%, which is more deadly than pancreatic cancer, which is called the “king of cancers”.

“Huh?! You can get cancer at such a young age!”I recall Lao Chen’s stunned expression when he heard that I was diagnosed with cancer. After Lao Chen was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, the hospital has become his second home.

“The doctor said that because my cancer cells have spread everywhere, surgery can’t cut it clean. Now I can only do chemotherapy to see the effect before making a decision.”When I visited Lao Chen in the hospital, he was out of breath even when he spoke.

After Lao Chen started chemotherapy, his appetite became very poor and his figure became much thinner. However, his determination to fight cancer might be seen in Lao Chen’s determined eyes. Lao Chen has no children, but his wife has always been by his side????

“I have been working very hard to drink nutritional supplements and supplement protein!” Lao Chen looked at his wife tenderly, his eyes full of gratitude.

“Do you know? One time, in order to prevent my white blood cells from falling too much and causing me to be unable to undergo chemotherapy next time, I vomited while drinking nutritional supplements. After vomiting, I continued to eat. As long as I might absorb nutrients, I was willing to suffer no matter how hard it was. “Lao Chen said with emotion.

When I was attentive and ready to listen to Lao Chen’s talk, he changed the subject: “Once, I even dreamed that I was drinking nutritional supplements and the supplements were flowing down my nostrils. In the end, I simply poured them in directly through my nostrils. …” It seems that chemotherapy has not killed Lao Chen’s humorous cells, and his comedy skills are still top-notch????

Chemotherapy resistance emerges

Later, within half a year of Lao Chen’s chemotherapy treatment, the cancer cells began to become resistant to the drug. The cancer cells metastasized to his bones through the blood and lymph, so Lao Chen decided to follow the doctor’s advice and undergo immunotherapy.

Immune cell therapy is to extract immune cells from the patient’s body, culture them outside the body, and then replenish them into the patient’s body to serve as reinforcements for immune cells in the body and enhance the ability of immune cells to fight cancer.

“The doctor said that blood must be drawn to cultivate immune cells, activate and proliferate the T cells, and finally inject them back into my body, which is equivalent to relying on my own immune system to kill cancer cells.”Lao Chen told me this exciting news impassionedly. I am very happy to hear this good news that may bring a glimmer of hope for Lao Chen. After all, he still has a great retirement life ahead of him~

Image source: Good Heart and Liver Journal

“Coexisting with Cancer Cells”

Two years later, Lao Chen returned to the office to handle retirement procedures. Everyone gathered around Lao Chen to care regarding his current situation. Although Lao Chen was still thin at this time, it might be seen that his energy and complexion were good.

“I spent nearly 1 million on immunotherapy, but unfortunately my immune cells were not successfully cultured in the end, so I ended up not continuing the immunotherapy.” Lao Chen said with a wry smile.

“Unexpectedly, following my immune cell cultivation failed, not long following, cancer cells began to metastasize to my brain…”

“At that time, I decided to follow the doctor’s advice and go all out to have a craniotomy. Although I was very scared, I knew that if I did nothing, the cancer cells would not disappear on their own and might even become more rampant. I am very grateful to myself for being brave at that time. , but I am even more grateful to my wife for her support and company along the way.”It’s rare for Lao Chen to say this emotionally????

It turned out that Lao Chen experienced multiple cancer cell metastases such as bone metastasis and brain metastasis during the treatment, but he lived his new life with a strong will to survive. Now, although the cancer cells still exist and he still needs to go to the hospital for treatment regularly, Lao Chen has begun to live a retired life of traveling around.

In the blink of an eye, it has entered its third year, far exceeding the half-year survival period estimated by the doctor????????

Perhaps, reconciliation with cancer cells is also an option~

Terminal cancer does not mean that life has come to an end. Life at the end of cancer is still full of hope and miracles.❤️

If a person has enough faith, he can create miracles. ——Windset

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#Reversing #life #King #CancerGrid #Vocus



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