The Ingénieuses 2024 competition: A renewed edition for female engineering

2024-01-24 15:25:47

Graduate engineer or student, take part in the fourteenth edition of the Ingénieuses competition! This competition perpetuates its mission aimed at promoting gender equality in engineering training and professions by promoting the place of women in engineering. You can now submit your applications online, which will be accessible until March 8, 2024.

Techniques de l’Ingénieur once once more supports the Ingénieuses competition, organized by the CDEFI (Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools).

This ambitious competition aims to highlight the challenges women face in the professional sphere, while encouraging young girls to pursue scientific and technological training.

In this traditionally male environment, where women can still be confronted with inequalities due to their gender and a clear numerical imbalance. Ingéneuses 2024 is part of a logic of promoting gender equality and opening towards a future where everyone, regardless of gender or origin, can contribute to progress in the field of engineering.

For 2024, a significant new feature is being highlighted: the “Digital Excellence Award” will be awarded to the candidate (student or engineer) who has demonstrated an inspiring career path in the digital sector. This partnership with the Inria Foundation is part of the CDEFI’s participation in the program TechPourToutes.

This competition focuses on innovation and inclusion, celebrating innovative school projects and the exceptional careers of women engineers.

Operation Ingénieuses is aimed at:

  • Engineering schools accredited by the Commission on Engineering Qualifications (CTI).
  • Graduate women engineers
  • from an engineering school
  • Engineering students in France and North Africa, whatever the level of study

Dates to keep in mind:

  • January 22, 2024 : Launch of the call for projects and applications
  • 8 mars 2024 : Closing of the call for projects and applications
  • March – April 2024 : Jury meeting
  • May 16, 2024 : Announcement of the winners during the in-person awards ceremony in Paris

The prize-giving :

10 prizes will be awarded for 2024:

  • Five prizes for engineering schools
  • A prize for the engineering student France
  • A prize for the North African engineering student
  • Two prizes for women engineers, rewarding inspiring career paths.
  • A prize for digital women

To submit your application or project to the Ingénieuses competition, go to the submission of applications. This dedicated space is accessible until 8 mars 2024.

Get more information on the Ingénieuses competition and its previous editions on the website

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