The information on the flow of infected students returning to Dalian from Tianjin was leaked by the Internet. Dalian City | Tianjin City | New Coronary Pneumonia_Sina News

Original title: Tianjin returned to Dalian to infect students, and the flow of information was leaked and was attacked by the Internet

According to @Dalian’s Weibo news, at 7:00 on January 12, 2022, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City found that 2 people had positive nucleic acid test results during routine nucleic acid testing of Tianjin’s return-to-connection management and control personnel. (The nucleic acid test results of 2 people who left Tianjin on the 8th were negative. After arriving in Tianjin on the 9th, they were controlled according to the relevant control measures of our city. The nucleic acid test results were negative on the 10th).

Infected students encounter cyber violence, video screenshot

The infected person Xiaobai (pseudonym) told the Beijing News reporter that his university was in Jinnan District and he had been to surrounding shopping malls. According to the information from the flow survey, many positive infected people in Tianjin have also visited the mall. On the 9th, following the two arrived, they have been quarantined at home as required. Xiaobai said that she had no adverse reactions to her body, but her personal information was leaked due to cyberbullying, and she and her family were under great pressure. As of 12:00 on the 12th, a total of 25 close contacts and 56 sub-intensive contacts have been screened in Dalian, all of which have been controlled. The work of flow adjustment and investigation is in progress.

  Tianjin Epidemic Timeline

Responsible editor: Zhu Xuesen SN240




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