the influence of the sperm microbiota

2024-01-28 11:24:00

Martin Ducret, doctor and journalist at Doctor’s Daily, tells us today regarding the microbiota present in semen. You have surely heard of the microbiota, these bacteria and other microorganisms with which we live in symbiosis to keep us healthy. The best known is that of our intestine. Did you know that the microbiota is also present in semen?

franceinfo: D**’following a recent study, this microbiota plays a role in male infertility?**

Martin Ducret : Yes quite. In this study published in the journal Scientific Reports73 men benefited from an analysis of the composition of the microbiota of their sperm, coupled with a spermogram, the reference examination to detect an abnormality of the spermatozoa, by examining their number, their vitality, their morphology and their mobility.

After analyzing the microbiota and the spermogram, the study researchers found that certain bacteria were in much higher numbers in the sperm of men with an abnormal spermogram.

For example, the bacteria Lactobacillus inert, was much more present in men with sperm with reduced mobility – that is to say, which move and advance less well. In those who had an abnormal concentration of sperm, it was two bacteria, type Pseudomonaswhich were present in abundance.

Does this mean that these excess bacteria can cause male infertility?

“Yes it’s possible, explained to me Professor Michaël Grynberg, head of the Reproductive Medicine department at the Antoine-Béclère Hospitals, in Clamart, and Jean-Verdier, in Bondy, but we must take the results of this study with a grain of salt, further work on larger populations and especially with repeated sperm samples is necessary.”

“Nevertheless, for Professor Grynberg_, this study has the merit of focusing on the influence of the sperm microbiota on infertility, an area hitherto little explored, and full of hope.”_

Because you should know that the origin of male infertility is not always clearly identified, and few treatments exist to remedy it. The sperm microbiota trail might open the way to drugs that improve fertility when it malfunctions.

Probiotics for example?

Yes, probiotics, which are bacteria or yeast to swallow, in powder or capsule form. Professor Grynberg is even considering probiotics to be administered directly into the genital tract, in contact with semen.

But before we see these therapies in our pharmacies one day, it is important to point out that adopting the healthiest lifestyle possible – eating well, limiting stress, practicing regular physical activity, quitting smoking – is the first course of action to maintain or regain good fertility.

#influence #sperm #microbiota



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