The Industrial Park to become a pillar for the economy

The Industrial Park to become a pillar for the economy

The Industrial Park of Serres was visited today by the Minister of Development, Takis Theodorikakos, he took a tour of the facilities and spoke with important businessmen who are active in the Park, which employs 1,000 workers in the wider area.

As the announcement states, the minister said: “The main goal of our Government and the Ministry of Development is to implement a new production model in the country, decisively strengthening the Greek industry. It is a condition of autonomy and security for our country in a volatile environment.

That is why we stand next to the people of work, creation, business and we will support them with all our strength, discussing their problems and trying to provide meaningful solutions.

The Ministry of Development is financing business parks throughout the country with 90 million euros. Here in the Industrial Park in Serres, the work of the Substation is being done and we will support its upgrade and perspective. It has very important potential and our goal is for it to become a pillar for our economy in Serres and more broadly in Northern Greece, our Macedonia.

To convey the message to the young children that it is worth staying here in the land of Serrai, it is worth dreaming and realizing their vision.

I believe that industrial development is a condition for regional development. It is a condition for the Greek region to become even stronger and this is absolutely true in the beautiful and historic land of Serres”.

The minister was welcomed by the president of the Association of Companies Established in the Industrial Area of ​​Serres, Kostas Papapanagiotou, and they discussed all the issues and problems that concern all the businesses located in the Park, while he then visited the Flos detergent industry, the food company CHORIATIKI ZYMI, the Metron company specializing in the construction of elevators and the ice cream museum next to the Kri Kri factory.

The minister is accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Development and responsible for industry, Anna-Mani Papadimitriou and the local MPs of New Democracy, Tassos Hatzivasileiou and Theofilos Leontaridis.

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