The sassy cat from this popular video on Telegram very successfully entered the store and noticed that the window in the cheese department was open and there were no people. Taking advantage of the opportunity, fluffy climbed into the window, grabbed a huge piece of cheese and left, pretending that nothing bad had happened.
Kotofey was obviously very pleased with himself: following all, he managed to snatch such prey! Now the main thing is that it is not taken away by store employees or tailed brothers, who would also like to eat cheese.
Users were struck by the impudence of the fluffy thief.
“Stunned, the highest level of impudence!”
“Ahah, arrogance is the second happiness.”
“This is booty, this is booty.”
“Go crazy, quietly steal and leave – it’s called” found “.” previously wrote regarding cat pretending to be asleepto steal a fish unnoticed.