2023-05-12 16:13:28
“We need a wake-up call on the importance of work! “, proclaims the Liberal Secretary of State for the Budget, Alexia Bertrand. “The differential between work and non-work” is THE priority of the Open VLD for tax reform.
By Maxime Biermé and Martine Dubuisson
Reading time: 6 mins
Alexia Bertrand left the MR last November to become the Open VLD Secretary of State for the Budget, remaining in the liberal family but creating a certain stir among French-speaking blues. His portfolio leads him to participate very regularly in the kern (select ministerial committee). And to have an eye on the tax reform announced so many times by Vivaldi but still not completed (even if we are now talking regarding July 21), as guardian of the budgetary temple. She places the blue beacons.
Vincent Van Peteghem presented his tax reform two months ago, the kern went around the table once more this Friday. Where we are ?
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#Alexia #Bertrand #difference #euros #net #work #work