The Importance of Vitamin D for Winter Health: New Research and Natural Sources

2023-12-24 18:22:45

December 25th. Winter fatigue and frequent colds may not just be seasonal phenomena, but signs of a deficiency of the vitamin, which is considered critical for maintaining skeletal and cardiovascular health, especially for those over 60 years of age. Detailed information regarding this was published on the portal Red North (18+).

With the arrival of cold weather and a decrease in sunny days, the body is faced with a lack of ultraviolet radiation necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D. In this context, walks in the fresh air become especially important, especially for children’s health.

Recent research has found that vitamin D plays a role not only in strengthening bones, but also in protecting the body from viral infections, including influenza and coronavirus. Australian scientists have found that regularly taking vitamin D may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study involved patients aged 60-84 who took the supplements for five years and experienced fewer heart attacks and strokes.

Vitamin D also prevents rickets in children, a disease that causes bones to become weak and deformed. In adults, if there is a lack of it, pain in the bones and muscles, as well as softening of bone tissue, may develop.

It is important to remember that independent use of supplements should be agreed with a doctor in order to avoid hypervitaminosis and other side effects.

For those looking for natural sources of vitamin D, you should pay attention to fatty fish, egg yolks, milk, etc.

Important Note: Before making significant changes to your training program or diet, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or nutritionist to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your chosen method.

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