The Importance of Starchy Foods: Why Eliminating Them Can Have Risks for Your Health

2023-10-26 18:30:00

THE starchy foods are too often considered as “enemies” that must be kept away from in order to lose weight and regulate blood sugar.

However, using analysis, nutrition expert Keith Ayoob, EdD, RDN, associate professor emeritus at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (USA), demonstrated why it can be risqué to eliminate starchy foods in the diet.

A day without starchy foods would result in a 21% decrease in potassium

According to the study published in Frontiers in Nutrition, just one day without any starch would result a 21% reduction in potassium, 17% in vitamin B6, 11% in vitamin C and 10% in fiber.

“It’s tempting to think that high-carb foods aren’t essential,” says Keith Ayoob. But these foods are classified into different food groups for a reason: perhaps more importantly, they tend to have very interesting vitamin and mineral levels.

Potatoes, starchy vegetables rich in potassium

It is sometimes tempting to replace starchy foods with cereals for their richness in fiber and their lower impact on blood sugar levels. It turns out that the carbohydrate content of pasta and potatoes causes some people to ban them from the plate. Cereals are, in fact, an excellent alternative for health. However, it is not recommended to eliminate starchy vegetables (…)


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#stay #healthy #dont #cut #starchy #food

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