The Importance of Protein in Building Muscle Mass: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

2023-07-06 03:52:52

Proteins are large, complex molecules that perform many critical functions in the body. They are found in every cell and are required by the body to strengthen and keep bones, muscles and skin in good condition.

Although each case must be treated individually, the general recommendation for daily protein consumption for older people is between 1 and 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. These molecules can be found in some foods of animal origin and in others of plant origin.

An article published in the American lifestyle magazine GQ, aimed at the male segment, specifies that animal protein has a higher nutritional quality, since it has all the essential amino acids to be considered a protein of high biological value.

In the case of vegetables, they contain other nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants, good fats, vitamins and minerals, which is why it is recommended to include both in the daily diet.

When it comes to gaining muscle mass, protein-containing foods are key, and the list includes meat, eggs, and some legumes like beans.

Chicken meat is rich in protein and provides little amount of fat, so including it at lunch or dinner, combined with adequate exercise, could promote muscle hypertrophy. The ideal is to prepare it on the grill and avoid sauces and mayonnaise.

In addition to being rich in protein, salmon contains a significant amount of omega-3, a healthy fat that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, improves blood circulation, and prevents loss of muscle mass.

Eggs, especially the white, favor the increase in muscle mass, since it is one of the foods with the most complete protein and most easily absorbed by the body, and because it contains B complex vitamins, which are important for giving you energy. to the organism.

Milk and its derivatives are a valuable source of protein of animal origin. The important thing is to consume these foods without cream and low in fat. According to the Saber Vivir TV portal, if milk is ingested at night, in addition to recovering muscle, rest is favored, thanks to its tryptophan content, an essential amino acid that helps control insomnia.

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Exercise that helps increase muscle mass and improves blood circulation

Regarding physical activity, Juan Alberto Ríos, a doctor specializing in sports medicine at Smart Fit, states that there are several types of highly effective exercises to improve stress and anxiety, that is, moving the body not only helps the body but also mental health.

These include cardiovascular exercise, such as running, swimming, or bicycling, or any activity that raises your heart rate. Also yoga, which combines gentle movements, deep breathing and meditation, calming the nervous system and relaxing the muscles.

Physical activity can offer an effective solution for mental health, since it has multiple positive effects on self-concept, perception of health, self-control and mood, according to psychiatrist Laura Villamil.

For its part, the Salud 180 portal recommends a special exercise that helps increase muscle mass and improve blood circulation. It’s about swimming. This is because you use all the muscles, and by doing so, the blood circulation is activated in a special way.

The site ensures that this exercise helps burn calories, since “in the water your muscles work five to six times more than on dry land. Swimming increases your muscle mass and tones it; lengthen your muscles and improve your silhouette. An hour of this exercise allows you to burn up to 600 calories.

According to Javier Martínez Gramage, coordinator of the Degree in Physiotherapy at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia, Spain, swimming “improves joint mobility and elasticity, by increasing muscle strength.

It also has a drainage or anti-inflammatory effect, being especially important for those people who suffer from circulation problems”, due to the hydrostatic pressure it exerts on the body, according to Cuídate Plus.

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