The Importance of Omega-3 for Memory and Overall Health: Tips from Nutrition Consultant Dr. Bassem Abu Bakr

2023-11-23 07:45:08

Al-Marsad newspaper: Nutrition consultant Dr. Bassem Abu Bakr said that Omega-3 is an anti-inflammatory unsaturated fatty acid.

Poor memory

Abu Bakr added, in a video clip he posted on “Tik Tok”: The health problems that arise from omega-3 deficiency are “serious,” and include weak memory, problems in the brain in terms of memorization, strokes, heart attacks, negative nerve effects, blood pressure, skin, vision, and hair health, and immune deficiency. .

Salmon and sardines

He revealed foods rich in Omega 3, the most important of which are oily fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna, olive oil, canola oil, egg yolks, dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, soybeans, avocados, mangoes and strawberries.

Oily fish

He continued: You should eat oily fish 3 times a week, and it is preferable to eat these foods rather than capsules because we eat protein, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and many elements that enhance health, immunity, and safety.

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